Just making an update

Sep 01, 2008 23:36

I have two kittens sleeping on the couch next to me. They're growing up fast, and sometimes it's hard to believe that we've only had them for two weeks. It seems like they've been a part of our life forever.

The three day weekend was nice. We didn't do much. I did some baking (banana chocolate chip bread with a peanut butter streusal toppoing - it turned out quite nicely if I do say so myself), and we cooked dinner tonight. Meatloaf and homemade french fries. With blueberries. Yum. I watched a lot of Criminal Minds and did some singing in Rock Band.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day, but I think it'll be good overall. Elliot comes home. It'll be the first time our little pod of roommates has been together with no parents for a while.

I've been cutting back a tiny bit on the exercise and my appetite has started coming back a bit. It's a fair trade, in my opinion.

...I guess that's about all I've got.

food, random, cats

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