Okay, a quick glance at my username will show people that something is amiss. After some careful consideration (and with the help of
burr86), I've decided to rename my journal to
elyssa. It's my given name and I'm rather attached to it. I also feel that in a way my name is a statement about who I am.
That being said
ailetoile has been my online persona for nearly a decade. It's been "me" on LiveJournal for the nearly five years that I've been a member of this site, and I refuse to throw the name away. Therefore, in my renaming frenzy I've decided to make
ailetoile into a new journal that will become my language journal. I spent an awful lot of time learning some of the languages I know, and I feel them slipping away as I don't use them. Since the name "ailetoile" is essentially French for "I have the star," it seemed to be a fitting name for the journal I will use for French, among other languages. Feel free to friend it if you'd like to watch me attempt to relearn grammar and writing in French, Spanish, Japanese and possibly Esparanto. Corrections will be welcome!
For the record, and so that no one is caught by surprise, any link that you have previously made to
ailetoile will now direct users to my language journal--not to my main journal. I hope no one is too confused or put off by this change! I know that I certainly feel all kinds of good right now.