We all know the usual suggestions to escape procrastination: avoid or get rid of distractions, set goals, schedule writing time, etc. But those things don’t always work. There are days I can find distractions inside my own head, even after I've hidden my phone and tablet, set up the net nanny and unplugged the tv. Days I can convince myself that I can catch up on my goals tomorrow/next week/next month.
So, sometimes I have to find creative ways to get my nose back to the grindstone. Here are a few different things I’ve been trying to help me get over the urge to say, "I can catch up tomorrow…"
1. Change your writing instrument
I've talked about this before, but one way I overcome writer's block (often the underlying cause of my procrastination) is to write differently. My number one method is writing on junk paper. Envelopes, backs of old photocopies, notebooks half-filled with grocery lists, etc. Something about a blank, pristine piece of paper or a blank document and blinking cursor makes me freeze. I don't want ruin it by writing words I may have to delete. Writing on paper I'm going to throw away anyway makes it okay to make mistakes, cross things out, draw arrows or circles or notes in the margin until I find the right words and the story starts flowing again.
If you normally handwrite, try typing. If you normally type, try handwriting. Use funky colored pen or write on Post-it notes. Do something completely different and try dictating or drawing a scene.
2. Limit your writing time
Not long ago, I read somewhere that 'our tasks expand to fill up the time we assign them.' (I'm paraphrasing, since I can't seem to re-find where I read it so that I can quote and attribute properly.) I've noticed this to be true for myself. If I have four hours to write a scene, I'll write in fits and starts until I realize my time is almost up, then, all of sudden my focus and flow kick in and the majority of my words get written in the last 45 minutes.
So, recently, I've been playing with limiting my writing time. On days when I would normally have a solid chunk of time, I only allow myself a fraction of it for writing. If possible, I schedule something else so I can't give myself a pass to "do it later."
It's counter-intuitive, I know, that writing less could lead to writing more, but it gives me a sort of false deadline. I get that writing a paper at midnight due at 8 am kind of rush.
I don't think this is would be a good long-term solution, but, once in a while, it seems like a good way to jumpstart things.
3."Pub Crawls"
I discovered this during Nano '13 (the one and only time I 'won' Nano). Basically, a crawl is a list of various types and lengths of Word Wars that participants work through, usually with a theme. An example is
here. Word Wars in Nano are done a little differently than we do them for GYWO. There are posts in the forum for different time frames, but also for specific word counts (i.e. write 500 words as fast you can) and other things like choosing your favorite playlist and writing for the length of it.
The participant is supposed to work through the 'pubs' in order and comment on each of the original Word War posts with their results after each step.
The shake-up of different types of Word Wars keeps me on my toes and doesn't let my brain get complacent. Also, it's sort of like a mini-reward to myself, finishing each stage.
Since Nano isn't really active right now, I thought I'd set up a mini crawl on my
DW journal if anyone wants to give it a try. To make it work on as a journal post instead of forums, I changed it up a little. Instead of commenting on individual word war threads, participants can comment on the post when they start and reply to their own comment when they complete each step.
4. Productive Procrastination
Okay, I know that sounds like a contradiction, but some days I can't seem to focus or get motivated. I try to have a list of things other than writing that I can do that my brain will accept as goofing off, but ultimately will actually prove useful.
If I'm in the mood to read, I'll try to read a book on writing or to read something in the genre I'm writing. Or if I want to watch tv/movies, I'll try to watch whatever canon I might be writing fanfiction of. Or I'll browse stock photo sites or pre-made cover designs to either get inspiration for my current of future WIP.
Or create a vision board on Pinterest, put together a playlist of songs to listen to while working or fool around designing graphics for my WIP.
Very often, this kind of fun distractions end up stimulating my creativity and enthusiasm and gets me back on track.
What out of the box ways do you fight your urge to procrastinate?