Sep 02, 2008 21:58
[21:56] rebelbunnigurl: when we both have smartphones
[21:56] azureelysium: we can twitter each other while we eat?
[21:56] rebelbunnigurl: i will twitter you as you eat
[21:56] azureelysium: hahaha
[21:56] rebelbunnigurl: yesss
[21:57] azureelysium: seems difficult
[21:57] azureelysium: unless we will be so baller
[21:57] rebelbunnigurl: @ilyma: mmmm burger
[21:57] azureelysium: that we can twitter with one hand
[21:57] azureelysium: and eat with the other
[21:57] rebelbunnigurl: hells yeah i can
[21:57] azureelysium: HAHa