Dramione Awards!

Sep 24, 2010 12:59

Who doesn't love a shiny banner like that? Especially when it's just begging for you to click it and vote :P

So the Dramione Awards voting time is up and whilst I've only just started reading through all the amazing entries, I want to plug it so as many other people as possible do as well. The theme this time around was "Celebrate the Little Things" and is all about drabbles, flash fiction and ficlets. And they are so lovely, and need voters so go forth!

Also in very exciting news, I got my first Dramione Award nomination which is for "The Hunger" under the Sexiest Drabble category. I also participated in the three different categories for the special challenge which was really fun :)

Here's my shiny banner which I keep wanting to pat.

And that's all folks :D


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