the 4th night

Nov 17, 2005 14:06

November 28-29, 2005: The Beginning of the Fourth night of the Galactic Underworld -
A candle light ceremony in the spirit of Ian Lungold

The Fourth night of the Galactic Underworld is soon to begin.
The shift takes place between 11 Ahau (November 28) and
12 Imix (November 29). I will shortly send out an article about
the meaning of this in a bigger perspective, but for now it suffices
to say that I feel the best way of looking at this upcoming night
is as a preparation for the breakthrough of the divine presence,
the energy of Quetzalcoatl, that will sweep the world as the Fifth
day begins on November 24, 2006. Leading up to this Fifth day
of Christ consciousness will be a series of global meditation
and diksha days beginning at the midpoint of this upcoming night,
May 27-28, 2006: Awakening the World Mother Within.

Given the nature of this upcoming tun as a night I feel it is appropriate
to mark it with a candle ceremony rather than with festivals: A light
for the future of the children of the world which includes ourselves,
since at our core we all see ourselves as children. I feel such a
ceremony should be held in the spirit of Ian Lungold, who passed on
12 Lamat (November 16) in Amatlan. Mexico. Ian Lungold was the person
who almost singlehandedly with the support of Matty took on disseminating
the truth about the Mayan calendar in North America. He sensed that
the Mayan calendar held a truth that was critical for its people
and passionately started to tell the truth about it, sometimes in the
face of even intentional distorsions that are still prevailing and especially
so at the time. Ian was passionate and uncompromising about the truth
and he saw the current era, the Galactic Underworld, as an era when the truth
should be revealed, when all what was hidden by the powers that be
would come up to the surface and be revealed.

Ian was an outstanding presenter and his enthusiasm,
warmth and sense of humour touched all that met him.
In North America, the US and Canada, he laid the groundwork
and planted the seeds for a truth that is now increasingly
becoming unstoppable. It is with great sadness and touch that I tell
you about this passing of Ian. I think he would have liked to stay on
to see the fruits of his work grow, but for us humans there are always
parts of the large picture that we will not be able to see or understand.
What we can trust is that in that big picture what is meant to happen happens.
I am happy that Ian got to get back to Amatlan, Mexico, which he saw as the
birth place of Quetzalcoatl and which had been instrumental in charting his path.
The passing of Ian is the beginning of the birth of Quetzalcoatl and somewhere
they are being transformed to one another as we all are.
If we can celebrate the beginning of the fourth night of the Galactic Underworld,
especially the 11 Ahau energy of November 28, with a candle ceremony
in the spirit of Ian then we are truly preparing for the return of Quetzalcoatl.
His spirit is truth, warmth and humour. He is still with us and we are still with him.
He would want to see this spirit flower in us.
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