Numb3rs Fandom Appreciation Week, 2012 INFO!

Feb 10, 2012 18:09

It’s that time of year again folks! It's almost Valentine's Day and since we had so much fun with this last year, we've decided to run it again.

We invite Numb3rs fans, veteran or new, ONE AND ALL, to join us for Numb3rs Fandom Appreciation Week, 2012.

The week will be hosted by we_are_numb3rs because WE ARE NUMB3RS and it's up to us as fans to breathe love and joy into our fandom, to hold on to what was wonderful about our show, and to remember what brought us all together in the first place!

Join the community and help us in the celebration of what was and is a lovely, albeit small, community of Numb3rs fans.

The schedule of events for the week includes:

Monday February 13th: The Day for Numb3rs Love! Discuss your favorite episode, post picspams! We’ll have a thread where every one can comment with what they love about Numb3rs, characters, story lines, anything your heart desires to show the world why you love Numb3rs!

Tuesday February 14th: The Day for the Five Things Meme! This was a huge hit last year and so we're running it again! Join us for some fun by leaving a comment to the thread with a situation you'd like to see your favorite character in and invite someone to answer with 5 things to meet your needs!

Wednesday February 15th: The Day for Fandom Appreciation! This is your day to rec fic, art, videos, communities, people... a day to share the love of our fandom! You can even send some love out to someone who has made your time in Numb3rs particularly enjoyable. If you’ve got a fond memory of the N3 fandom, share that too!

Thursday February 16th: The Day for Stories Never Written... but Should Be!! Join in the thread and leave your ideas for stories that haven't been written yet in the Numb3rs fandom! Folks can answer your request in detail or just tease you with the first and last sentence of the fic! Either way, it gets the ideas flowing! You never know what may come from this.

Friday February 17th: It's a FREE FOR ALL! Post anything and everything you'd like to share that spreads the LOVE for Numb3rs and the fandom. Just SHARE THE LOVE.

It can be a big, violent world, and our favorite FBI fed cakes and Cal Sci professors are often hip-deep in it. But over here, let's take the time to spread a little love. It can go a long way.

We hope to see you there. Bring your friends. :)
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