I am getting so sick and tired of high school drama. I hate it. I a tired of people who haven't been dating more then a few months saying that they devote their lives to some person they haven't known very long. While I will grant that some people may truely have something, but others are not in love, what they love is the sex and the free stuff (::cough:: like pot ::cough::) and attention a person is giving them. I am just getting so sick and tired of keeping my mouth shut. I will also grant that to a certain extent, they may love one another, but there are different levels of love, and once you've hit that level of love, you are easily able to see the bullshit people are claiming to be love. For example: I love Flavorman and Lauren, I love them alot, but I don't love the like Brandon. Another example is: I loved Ryan, I gave him everything, I lost my virginity to him, but that love doesn't come anywhere close to the love I have for Brandon. You may be readin this thinking "What the fuck does she know? I can't belive she is saying that people can't tell if they are 'In love' or not. Stupid whore" (lol) and you can think what you want. I can't explain it, but it is so easy to tell. I am also tired of bitches saying they are pregnant when they aren't. Fuck off bitches, I want to have kids more then anything, and I don't know if I can, and you bitches are lying about even becoming pregnant, FUCK OFF you stupid skanks. And those girls who have no idea how they are going to survive the next 48 hours bragging about how they are pregnant and are going to have a baby at 17, I cannot wait to have kids, I have a boyfriend who loves me and who I plan to marry, and if I got pregnant right now, I would have an abortion... It would be the hardest decision of my life, but I couldn't bring a baby into this world only to give it a crappy life. If I bring a child into this world, its going to have the best damn life possible, not be raised by my parents or out on the street. I also couldn;t give my kid up for adoption because i'd be afraid that their foster dad was fucking raping them every minute of every day that i wasn't there to protecty them. Anyone at 17 who thinks they are ready to have a child is crazy. No offence, but no amount of love and kindness are going to raise a child of you dont have money to feed it or buy it clothes or diapers. I would seriously rather "kill" my own child then to bring it into a world and become one of those fucked up kids who do crank and snort expired mayo from burgerking. Kids are the greatest thing in the world, dont ruin their lives before they are even born by simply bringing them into a life you can't make the best possible. I understand if you get pregnant and have moral beliefs against abortion, thats your choice, but bragging about how you are going to have a baby just because you think it would be a cool thing to do is fucked up. But what I hate most is fucking whores who lie about everything and their fucking mother. You don't go to england for the weekend, you don't have a miscarrige and go to school the next day fine, and you can't get pregnant by dating a girl. By the way, I am not talking about one single person, I am simply venting because I am drunk and when I thought about what I was thankful for, all I could think about is the people that ruin my thankfulness. i would like to thank Lauren, Flavorman, John, Matt, and a few others for never lying to me, always being brutally honest, but most of all, being wonderful people who I love and care about. You are the kind of people I try to be like, but mostley, you guys are what I am thankful for this year. And for haveing such a wonderful mother and the most amazing boyfriend (notice how I called him my boyfriend, not my husband, even though I plan to marry him? >>if you don't understand this, don't worry, its not for you<<) Brandon. Without you guys I wouldn't be alive today, and thats the truth. I love you guys :-D
On a lighter note:
Later Days.
::Cheers- to good health, good wealth, and good sex.
(PS to anyone who didnt get it, this is a drunkin vent, so this is all I have to say to anyone who was offended by any of this: flabloblabloblablooblakdbuic! (<---drunkin noise) Thank you)