Final - 6 days.

May 01, 2009 11:02

"Two ravens in the old oak tree, one for you and one for me

Bluebells in the late December, I see signs now all the time"

Well hullo there world!  This is unexpected but I randomly saw LJ when I was bumbling about this a.m trying to update my twitter - well, not my twitter so much as my teddy bear's twitter.  Yes - our teddy bear, Chocolate Huggins Gund has a twitter.  Feel free to follow him at

At any rate, it's been some time since I've used LJ.  I created a couple of random blogspot ones but they were nothing fancy and I never did much with them.  Probably b/c I was aiming to talk about law school - which is a garunteed way to zzzz..

Speaking of LS, I have less than 6 days before my first final.  And I've completed approx. less than half of my outline.  And done nearly nothing on my skeleton.  And read nearly none of my supps.

The other day I heard some random 1L say to her friend snottily, "oh no, I don't DO supplements.  Like, if I'm s'posed to know stuff we're not taught in class, screw you!"

Right.  Unfortunately, I'm not competing w/ 1Ls anymore :(

Time to get Choco and me some delicious pancakles from the center of the pancake universe. 
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