
Oct 27, 2016 15:23

I have noticed an increase in gore porn, have you? Maybe it's the shows I watch (TWD, American Horror Story, The Exorcist - ya think???) but dang if they aren't going overboard with it. Have to even it out with some Little House on the Prarie and The Waltons. MMMmmm. No. Die Antwoord is kind of gory in their videos, but tame compared to those tv shows.

I want to get a quarter sleeve. I want nice saturated COLO(U)*R but I also want a crow. And then what? I want a dragonfly someday. I'm still crazy about Japanese style. I want Ganesh, Kwan Yin, dragon, phoenix that sort of thing but I don't want to be trite. I tell my artist to figure it out and he won't. Dangit. I mean, I get it. I'm all over the place. But reel me in mang! I want it to be something he'd be proud of and enjoy doing. GAH.

Man, I can't write anymore. I'm too distracted. Do I need Adderall?

*For my non United Statesian friends.
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