We live in a society that is saturated with media images. From when we wake up and brush our Colgate teeth, to the first cup of Folgers coffee, that McLunch, the Kraft dinner, and the list goes on and on. Just to reflect on the amount of consumer propaganda we receive everyday is enough to allow for a sensory overload (bear in mind I am aware of the culture we live in, and find these images to only be mild annoyances). So imagine my surprise when I was sitting reading my New York Times today and found that ad on page 6. Regardless of my affiliations with any organization, claims that any advocate group has participated in contrary activities leaves me more that just curious.
Questions that ran through my head?
1. Who has the money to pay for a full page ad in the NYTimes?
2. Who runs this website?
3. What could be possible motives/reasons for a group to attack PETA?
So I looked up the answer and found this group:
Consumer Freedom A brief survey of their 'unbiased' website not only shows finger pointing on Peta but the National Health Institute for their views on Obesity being a large killer. It talks about the 'diabetes' myth. The fact that there is no mercury danger in fish. Physician's scams to get people to eat healthier. The 'green army' and how environmentalist are all nut jobs. The list goes on and on.
This website is a FAKE grassroots organization lying to the public. Question 2 and 3: Who has the money and will to attack organizations like PETA? Companies that have the most lose. Fast food companies, the beef industry, agro-business, and other large conglomerates that can AFFORD to place a full page add on page 6 of the NYTimes and lie to consumers. These wolves in sheep's clothing get your attention 16 hours a day (barring 8 hours of sleep). It's about time we start recognizing their tricks, and unsheathe them for the wolves they are!
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