Feb 09, 2007 11:48
I made Revolutionary Spanish Omelet from Vegan with a Vengeance. I officially believe that there in never any need to eat meat ever again, it was that damn good. In other news my friend sent me a survey. This is how Zack and I are answering it (we are very pissed):
Can you tell me about your background as a vegetarian?
-When and how did you make the decision?
About six years, I was listening to a lot of music from a Vegan band called Propagandhi. I was also attracted to a Vegan girl who said that she would only get to know me if I was vegetarian.
What is the difference between a vegetarian and a non-vegetarian (other than eating meat)?
-What is your definition of a vegetarian?
Someone who does not eat anything that comes from a dead animal. No Fish, no gelatin.
- What are the positives and negatives of being a vegetarian?
Positives: Healthier diet, less fat, less cholesterol, more Karma.
Negatives: There are never any negatives to positive Karma. (Remember when Roy got mauled by the tiger, it’s because he ate meat),.
-Tell me about the health impact of being a vegetarian?
Less fat in your diet. Meat becomes toxic as your body breaks it down much quicker than plants do. This is why Carnivores have much-shorter digestive tracks than their herbivore counter-parts. Humans have a long digestive track that most closely resembles the track of an herbivore. There are also a bunch of hormone and antibiotics in meat that are bad for you. (Whitney adds that as a biology major meat is carcinogenic and cause cancer).
You also don’t have to worry about heroic Animal-liberation activists cutting the brakes on your car. Let’s face it, if you’re eating meat, you’ve got it coming.
How do people react when you tell them you’re a vegetarian?
-What is the best reaction you’ve experienced?
Some one felt compelled to make me free vegan food. Or a beer. I like it if someone buys me a beer for the animals or some shit like that.
-The worst reaction?
One guy took it upon himself to conduct a “meat-eating intervention” on me. Only, he was the only person who knew about it, and by “intervention” he meant locking me in an over-sized crated to shoving ground-beef through a tube for a month. But the jokes on him, after only a few days mold started growing on the beef, and mold doesn’t count as meat. So I managed to live off of the mold until the cops found the guy. As it turns out, this wasn’t the first time he tried something like this. The police had responded to a call from a suspicious neighbor who noticed an awful smell coming from his back yard. He wasn’t very good at burying.
-What are your feelings towards others who are not vegetarians?
Their higher risk for cancer makes me happy. While working in food service, I’ve been known to defile certain meat-based dishes with a variety of substances (spit, ground dirt, sweat, semen, drano, etc.) I’m nowhere near the only one who does this.
-Have you ever had a negative experience because you were a vegetarian
Vegetarian’s are often forced to endure an endless barrage of idiotic questioning from people who think vegetarianism is some horrific affliction from another planet.