Nov 09, 2016 13:08
This is an offshoot of a conversation on the Shout Box on EF. Things are changing in the USA and there might be hardships and/or emotional issues as part of the fallout.
I am starting this thread so that our EF family will have a place to use the comments and let us know if you DO have a hardship so, if possible, another member of the family can help in some way. (disclaimer... there will be no vetting so there is no way to control possible scamming so it's at your risk in the helping end. I doubt we have many or even any scam artists in our family BUT we will not be responsible for anyone who might use this for that purpose.)
Comments here is also the place to vent your anger or fear or depression etc.
Let's try to reach out to each other in love. This is NOT the place to put each other down so if you can't be supportive move along from this post.
Hope this can help.
*hugs* and love,
(NOT acting in the capacity as a Mod at EF, only as an individual member)