Aug 13, 2005 21:29
My parents are in bed and I am bored. No one saw this one coming. Well, my mom and I went shopping today, as we do, and I got a lot of jewlery. One necklace that I am PARTICULARLY proud of...
OH!!! And speaking of proud: We ate these little things from shells, they are like muscles but they are called something else.... Anyway, my parents picked them off the rocks and we grilled them and the shells are lovely. I mean, SO BEAUTIFUL. So I decided that I wanted to make some earrings and necklaces out of them.... So they are going to boil them and dry them out for me so that I can take them home...
In a little island jewlery shop I saw these exact SAME shells strung on crappy thread for 30DOLLARS! I was so excited. Becuse I knew how beautiful they were even on a barbeque coated in soy sauce.
Tomorrow we are going to go snorkeling. I am uber excited because I just saw my first sea turtle today, and good god are they PRECIOUS. SO... I'd really like to see more. PLUS I really want to get a little color on this pasty white bod.
I got a nice swimsuit the first day I was here. My mom and I had a little argument about it, as we always do when we shop. She is always making comments about my body that make me want to punch her in the face, but she is trying to be nice but she just dosent get it cause she could be the president of the itty bitty tittie committe, which is all good, but then she says stuff... Guh, then also she didnt want to pay for it cause it was expensive but she said that she wanted me to get a suit here and if I had known I was gonna pay 80 dollars I would have bought some POS at target. ANYway, she did pay for it, but like, Mick said that he would pay for it but she didnt want to spend his money on a suit for me but she told me not to get one on the mainland... Anyway, she was a pretty huge ho about the whole ordeal and I started crying (lots of travel little sleep, what not) but anyway, its all good and she DID pay for it (even though her boyfriend would have) and blah blah blah.
The fun part is that it is all black and it looks like underwear, which almost always looks better than a damned bathing suit. Anyway, its good stuff. Also, like a little poser surfer I bought a rash gaurd, which is spandex/lycra/whatever they make the suits out of- and its just this sleeveless shirt that protects you from the elements while surfing. It's hot. I could wear it to get out of the sun, or just wear it with pants and be a hottie in a stretchy shirt. HA!
I'm suppossed to get up at 6 to go with them to get some iced coffee, they walk a couple miles every morning. Apparently I will get very sweaty and not be able to keep up. I know that Mick is in shape, like especially for an old dude (AHAHAH) but my mom has never exercised in her life so I really really cant imagine her being so good after 2 months that I can't keep up.
(If those old farts kick my ass at a 2 mile WALK I will cry)
It's been raining today. It rained pretty hard.
I took a 3 hour nap today. I cant do that on the mainland. I have definetly relaxed.
I wish I spoke like an islander. I try to pronounce things right. I do better than the old folks, but like, I want to say aloha and mahalo (cause EVEYRONE says mahalo) but I feel like a doofus, just like I did in germany.
So tomorrow I hope to gather A LOT of corral (which is illegal to take, yikes) and shells, I really wanna make kick ass jewlery when I get back to the mainland.