Friends only.

Jan 09, 2006 18:11

This journal is now friends only. If you would like to be added, leave a comment for consideration. Most times I'll add you, but please leave a comment so I know who you are. I will not add you if you don't comment or we don't speak otherwise.

  • If you're here to start drama, no thank you.
  • I am a sporadic updater, but I read my friends list multiple times a day.
  • I post about my personal life, music, cosplay, and toy collecting so if you have no interest in any of those, we'd probably be better off not being friends.
  • I'm not involved in fandom and prefer to distance myself from it, so if you find that you are mostly a fandom poster, I don't think we'll get on all that well.
  • I'm one of those feminist killjoys your parents warned you about, an atheist, and tend to be quite left-leaning in my politics. For personal reasons, I don't usually add people that have politics vastly different from my own. If you have a problem with this, or if I'm not in line with your political values and this bothers you a great deal, it'd probably be not even worth your time to add me.

    Edit 08/30/15 I did a somewhat sizeable friends cut today. Nearly all were inactive journals - if you feel that I removed you in error (i.e. you don't really post, but you do read) - let me know and I'll re-add you. Thanks for your understanding!

    Current layout by blame and slightly tweaked by me
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