I had a dream last night, but i don't remember what it was.
I slept at my friend's house fangirl-night ;D, then the next morning she told me like «did you talk to me last night?». But i was like «I don't think so, i was sleeping». Then she said «i don't know, you said something, and i was like «are you talking to me?» then i turned to you and you were sleeping». and of course i asked her what i said, and she replied «you said something like «翔 助けて». And then i was like «WHAT?????». That was soooooo weird. In fact, it doesn't bother me to dream about 翔 you know, rather i like it. What troubles me is that 1- I do not even remember anything. 2- I fucking TALK IN MY SLEEP. 3-I dreamed in JAPANESE... God my japanese is not even good. OK 助けて is not really a word super complicated, but whatever... The other thing is that the first thing i did after waking up (before my friend told me about this embarassing episode) was to change the wallpaper of my ipod that was a picture of 亮♥to put a picture of 翔. SOOOOOOOO CREEPYYYY.... This is it, the story that troubled me all the day. Not really all the day cause me and my friends went to karaoke, and it was fun. It was the crazy as usual, then it was fun. Right now, i'm trying to not say a single word until tomorow because my throat is exxxxxxtremely bad. I thing i screamed more than sung, but whatever, it was fun. I'm weird nee?? I know XD
おやすみなさい ^^