oh no. i'm down with flu. this sucks.
went to Kyoto with lora and vero and her host family. It was fun! partly because we din noe where we were heading other den the general location, Kyoto. The bus trip was like 3 hrs long???? we were kind of rottin it the bus and it totally feels as if we were gg to Mt fuji. We took a boat across a lake in Amanohashidate and we went up the cliff to look at one of the famous view in Japan!
Amanohashidate <---click here for more info!
We did quite a no. of crazy things out there and it was rather chilly. i bet everyone were thinking these girls are crazy. we had a nice lunch ( fish dishes). and we ate non-stop ever since we got onto the bus. goodness. cos each of us were given a goodies bag and since we hadnt had anything in the morning so we kept munching the snacks. and we played with 3 little kids which sat in front of us. sega, yuusuke and ayane. sega is SO "cute". he has this ADULT attitude even though he is only like pri 1??? but sometimes he does have a childish side of him. =)
Finish watching ROOKIES! omg. Shirota-kun was kinda of like ermmmmm.... weird with dat extremely golden hair but i got kind of used to it after watching a few episodes of it. but nonethless the show moved me to tears!!! it seriously brought back badminton days when we had our friendly matches and competition and the most feared training sessions. the tension, nervousness and excitment. how i wish i cld go back to those days again.
was hanging out in the Lobby with lora and vero and Kun su and the 2 UAE guys. well, we played card games and some fast rxn games. one of the UAE guys is so slow. omg. its so hilarious. but i was kind of slow too though :P. everyone has LOTS of paper stuck on their faces ( forfeit). but it was fun =)))