This radio show is hosted by Murakami Shingo (Hina) and Yokoyama Yu (Yoko) from Kanjani8. In the opening, and also in the middle, they talked about SMAP since they will be appearing together on Music Station the next day. Yoko kept trying to convince Hina to break the ice with SMAP by tsukkomi-ing Kimura XD
Audio is from here: Credit-
(00:46) Opening Talk
Yoko: Tomorrow is Music Station
Hina: That’s right. It’s a Special.
Y: We will be appearing on the show
H: Yes
Y: We are appearing with SMAP!
H: Yep
Y: Isn’t this the first time we appear on TV with all the members of SMAP?
H: No, when we went on the show to promote “Zukkoke”
Y: Did we appear together?
H: Remember when we sung that song to open the show, in the lobby of TV Asahi
Y: Right! That’s why we didn’t really interact with them
H: Right
Y: But we did sit in the same studio
H: We did. And also during Music Station Super Live’s opening we stood on the same stage…of course there’s quite a distance between the 2 groups
Y: We stood far away from each other, that’s why there’s no interaction….this makes me nervous
H: Of course it will make us nervous
Y: They have such amazing presence
H: And they are way senior than us. During Marching J event, for a brief moment…in the backstage…
Y: Man! In the backstage when all 5 members of SMAP-san walked toward us, I don’t know why but for some reason we all stepped aside to let them pass
H: It happened. We parted like the red sea
Y: Also for some reason unknown to me I stood real straight and formal. I get so nervous indeed.
H: Because they are way senior than us
Y: Their presence is just overpowering
H: That’s right.
Y: Our friends always ask us, right? “What is SMAP like?”
H: Right
Y: I always think “What are you talking about?”, for real
Y: Like, I have never had a proper conversation with SMAP
H: It’s the kind of anxiety that people don’t understand until they stand close to SMAP. I mean, we are their direct kouhai, in terms of us being in the same agency.
Y: If we talk about belonging to the same agency. I wonder why we are so nervous around them? When will this feeling change?
H: Well….I don’t think it will ever happen?
Y: Yea, probably not
H: Pretty much impossible
Y: But you, you have so much experience in being rude to so many celebrities…
H: I wasn’t being rude!
Y: You need to do it to SMAP too.
Y: You need to break the ice. Amongst Kanjani8 members, you are the one who get along with people most easily. So you need to do it to SMAP too.
H: But this situation is not a mere “being shy” around them
Y: Sometimes doesn’t Kimura Takuya-san play along with the atmosphere and do “boke” (act dumb/silly/ignorant for others to call him out)?
Y: That’s your chance
H: You are already planning this out?
Y: That’s your chance! Murakami Chance!
H: No no no!!! I can’t do that!
Y: You should call him out, “What silly thing are you saying?!?” (in Kansai-ben) There’s your chance to tsukkomi
Y: And tell him, “In the past, people told me we look alike”
H: I can’t say that!! No!
Y: And then ask him, “What do you think?”
H: There’s no way I will tell him that, not from my own mouth
Y: But you do it to so many guests on our shows and celebrities. Like with TOKIO’s Yamaguchi-kun, you smacked his head so readily as a tsukkomi.
H: Right, when we were doing a location shoot, that’s because we were filming together for a long time
Y: Then why are you treating Yamaguchi-kun and Kimura Takuya-san not equally? Deciding on your own to differentiate them.
H: But that’s a different issue
Y: It will become an issue. Because you are you, just do it!
H: I mean tsukkomi-ing has to do with how much time I spend with that person too.
Y: No, just go smack him. I’m sorry for making you do this, but you are the one who can break the ice for us with SMAP.
H: You are placing a huge burden on me
Y: And then what will you do? When after smacking him, Kimura-san asks you to eat out with him
H: That will never happen!! What kind of flow of event is that?
Y: Well you never know! Maybe suddenly he invites you out
H: *doing the Sanma-san high pitch laugh sound*
H: Well, if he does invite me out I will certainly go with him, if he invites me
Y: Kimura-san will say, “That was a nice tsukkomi just now”
H: Kimura-kun won’t say that!
Y: Well you never know!
H: No I think you should be the one to do something real funny and make the senpais laugh
Y: No that’s not right
H: Show them “I am the Yokoyama from Kanjani8”
Y: But just getting a laugh from them….SMAP has already met and worked with numerous comedians who make them laugh, right?
H: Yes
Y: Me acting funny won’t have much of an impact because they have seen it all. But you! Even though you are a Johnny’s, you will suddenly tsukkomi Kimura-san’s boke-just try it!
H: But in that situation it should be Nakai-san, or other members of SMAP to play along with the tsukkomi and boke
Y: You will come in quicker than the SMAP members, imagine your tsukkomi that’s even faster than Nakai-kun’s
H: HAHAHAHAHA~ *Sanma-san’s high pitch laugh again*XD
Y: Go for it
H: That’s a huge job
Y: I am saying all this very nervously because what if someone who has heard this goes to SMAP and tell on us?
H: That’s true
Y: I am really scared now
H: Being scared and being nervous are different
Y: But this just shows how much we admire SMAP-san. When we were in middle school they were so huge and dominant in the entertainment world. We thought “Wow!” when we watched SMAP-san. Actually I entered Johnny’s because of SMAP too.
H: Really
Y: My classmate appeared on Nakai-kun’s TV show in Osaka. It was called “Kiss shita SMAP”
H: Oh
Y: After watching that show I entered Johnny’s too. That’s why it's so…
H: There’s a connection
Y: Really I get so nervous when I see them.
H: We all get nervous around them.
Y: It’s like there’s this wall between us and SMAP that we can’t break
H: No we can’t
Y: They are the Dai-senpai (big senpai) that we have admired and respected for a long time
H: When you think about it, we have been in Johnny’s a long time too, 15, 16 years already. But we have never truly worked with SMAP.
Y: Tomorrow is Murakami Chance, go get them!
H: But it really depends on the flow of events, I can’t really…
Y: Scold him! Say “What are you doing?!?”
Y: Tell it to his face, “What silly thing are you saying?!?”
H: If I do that…
Y: Say, “Besides, people say we look alike.”
H: No way! No way! Can’t say that!
Y: Let’s go with that. Tomorrow’s Music Station is a 2 hour special live broadcast. You have 2 whole hours to put it into practice. It’s double the usual 1 hour show. So you will also have double amount of chances to tsukkomi.
H: Well it’s different from the usual show
Y: Go for it, seriously
H: I don’t know about that…really.
Y: Say, “People say we look alike, what do you think?”
H: He will definitely give me a wry smile
Y: Ask him, “Don’t people say that to you?”
H: No! People don’t say that kind of things to him! People should have never told him that!
Y: That’s your one time chance to say so
H: I don’t think the many people who meet Kimura-san will say something like that
Y: Maybe he will say to you, “Many people say we look alike, Murakami, do people tell you that?”
H: You know, people will tell on you, what you said about SMAP
Y: My heart is beating so fast right now while saying all this
H: So you do understand that
Y: I do, I know what a serious issue it is talking about SMAP like this
H: You do?
Y: I do
H: You have said some pretty wild things
Y: But it is to this extent how happy we are about appearing on Music Station with SMAP
H: It’s something we should be grateful for
Y: To be able to appear on the same show with them
H: Yep
Y: But this is so nerve wrecking…I am getting so nervous!
H: Me too. Just hearing you talk about them just now I am getting nervous
Y: For real
H: Seriously
Y: Yes, but I really look forward to tomorrow
H: Yes me too
Y: Right. Well we hope everyone will watch the broadcast tomorrow
H: Right! Please watch tomorrow
Y: Please watch tomorrow
H: Let’s do the title call
Y: From Kanjani8, Yokoyama Yu
H: and Murakami Shingo
Y/H: This is RECOMEN!
(08:09) And this concludes the 8 minute long opening talk
(At 25:46)-this is the corner where they make announcements about Johnny’s idols’ activities
H: Let’s move on to the “Very Big News” announcement
Y: We've talked about this in the beginning of the show already, tomorrow Kanjani8 will appear on Music Station-this is our announcement. At the same time,
H: Yes?
Y: Murakami will tsukkomi SMAP-san
Y: We count on you! That is all.
H: You are really pushing for this
Y: This is my pledge
H: But there’s not going to be much interaction between us? Don’t really have a chance to interact with them directly
Y: Well but it’s a live broadcast.
H: Yes
Y: You need to grab onto your chances
Y: Don’t you agree?
H: Well, well
Y: You can’t wait for a chance to come, they don’t just show up
H: That’s true
Y: You need to make your own chances, right?
H: Right
Y: So you need to go for it
H: How should I go about it? When is a good time to do it?
Y: You might turn the whole thing into a strange mood
Y: You never know! SMAP are really nice people, so maybe they will be happy about your tsukkomi
H: I see, I see
Y: If that happens, you have created a chance for us Kanjani8 to be liked by SMAP. And the duty of breaking the ice falls onto the shoulder of Murakami Shingo. If that happens, your name will forever be remembered in the history of Johnny’s
H: No my name won’t be remembered for something like this! (totally cracking up)
Y: It will! You will turn a new page in the history of Johnny’s!
H: Really?
Y: It will be Murakami Era
H: No seriously, it’s hard to tell what’s gonna happen
Y: Many people will be watching the Music Station broadcast
H: That’s true
Y: Of course TV Asahi will keep an eye on it, and also NTV, Fuji TV, TBS, TV Tokyo
All these different TV stations keep their eyes on SMAP-san, so…
H: That’s right
Y: That’s why you have to grab onto the opportunity and tsukkomi SMAP. Then the people from the different TV stations will think, “That guy really have guts!”
H: HAHAHA! I wonder if it will be “That guy really have guts!” or “That guy is an idiot!”?
Y: I am looking forward to tomorrow
H: It’s 2 hour show
Y: Right, I’m looking forward to it. Everyone it will be great if you will watch tomorrow.
H: Please watch tomorrow
t/n: It's actually kind of sweet how much they admire SMAP :-)