Ten Titillating Things...

Sep 10, 2008 23:07

Comment and I'll give you a letter. Then you have to list ten things you LOVE that begin with that letter. Afterward, post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.

hohere-liebe gave me T. ^___^

  1. Tate, Geoff. Specifically his voice.
  2. Toshiya. Mmm, bass...
  3. Toys, of all kinds. Action figures, "novelties," cuddle-able plushies.
  4. Tri-ryche (Queensryche's logo. I have one tattooed on my ankle.) {<-
  5. Tsunehito's earrings. And Tsunehito himself. ADORABLE. XD
  6. Tall platform boots.
  7. Tits. Especially when there's corsetry involved. XD
  8. Transformers. The original 80's cartoon... one of my very first fangirl obsessions.
  9. Tokyo, or at least the concept of Tokyo, a place where all my fandoms can converge, and which occasionally gets fictionally destroyed by rampaging monsters, only to rise from the ashes stranger than before.
  10. Translators, who tell me what the pretty people are actually saying since I suck at getting my act together and learning another language for myself. ^^;;;;


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