Pardon me while I cackle with insane glee.
See, I was all happy when I got my new cell phone last August, thinking I'd be able to use that nifty site where Sokar got his cool ringtones (
MatrixM). Only problem is, that site, and others like it, won't work with Verizon, and won't work with my phone, an LG VX4400. So I made do with the american songs I found on the get-it-now services. Pshuu.
Then last week, Sokar told me about the software he found that will let him put midi files as ringtones on his phone with a cord connecting his phone to the computer. This particular
software, however, STILL wouldn't work with my phone... but they had other software that would let a computer use my phone as a modem, bla bla, and the cable does exist.
So I googled, and found
BitPim. "Bitpim is a program that allows you to view and manipulate data on LG VX4400... This includes the PhoneBook, Calendar, WallPapers, RingTones..."
*Insert Hallelujah Chorus here*
I read through the helpful tour, got the cable recommended by the documentation at Radio Shack (about $22), downloaded the driver (free) from
FutureDial, downloaded BitPim (also free, I *heart* open source), and within about 15 minutes (while eating a subway sandwich for lunch) was set up and connected to my phone!
Another google led me to
Mental Cosmetics midi page for a FANTABULOUS selection of nicely-done j-rock midis.
Now, at long last, I have my default ringtone set as "Cage" by Dir en grey.... which was my goal all along. And Sokar's id-ringer is, of course, "Vanilla" by Gackt.