Too too much fun XD

Apr 28, 2004 11:16

Sunday night Nyx and I went over to Sokar & Daniel's to hang out and play much Karaoke Revolution. During the course of the evening it was determined that I can do an eerily good impression of Bjork on certain songs - "Bizarre Love Triangle" seems to work best. Granted, I have to do the song on easy mode so the "freestyling" doesn't make me completely fail the song, but it works. *giggle* Since then, I've been thinking of how to do other songs in other distinctive vocal styles. Gackt would be fairly easy for me to pull off - pick a ballad with a decent melody line ("Wind Beneath My Wings" or "Broken Wings" would work... hmm... pattern here?), add a heavy dash of drama and vibrato to taste, season with engrish for comedic effect if desired. Finding the right song is key, really. I'm not sure which would work for Kyo, or if I could even come close to doing justice to the various aspects of his voice. Still, it'd be amusing to try. ^_~

Edit: another meme, whee!

Aww, yeah. I'm all about that. XD

Stephanie lent me the first volume of the Sensual Phrase manga (I'm still getting used to it not being called "Kaikan Phrase" like it's s'posed to be). DAMN, Sakuya is such a magnificent bastard. *lmao* I've decided I much prefer the anime, though the art in the manga is lovely, none of the other band members seem to get much attention at ALL! So I started re-watching the fansubs last night. SOOO MUCH shounen-ai subtext! LOVE IT. ^_____^ (wanders away singing "Datenshi Blue")
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