Mar 02, 2011 02:21
In ayurveda clinic and especially in good place like Arya Vaidya sala you need to completely let go of all your inner mindwork concerning your treatment. There are different people here and some may have suspicions, not trusting, questioning doctors' professionalism or not knowing anything about ayurveda. If you go to the clinic you learn as much as you can about this thing. And even if you haven't - you come and trust and do what doctor says and don't have any doubts. For, 1 - this is a really serious, authentic clinic. Doctors take every person seriously ( I would say sometimes they are overprotective) and they are very professional.
2- you learn to trust the process. They change something in your treatment schedule, variate medicines, reduce treatment sessions to one a day - whatever happens they know what they do, everything physicians do is done by doctors' control here. So I just give myself up in their hands, let go of anxieties and feel drifting on the waves of oil smells which I like, relax and come what will - wether I have success with this or not. Completely.
Teper' mne ne lyut na golovu nastoi, ostalsya odin massazh v den', zato pri etom kladut na golovu lepeshku iz rastitelnoi pasty - sprosila varacha: the top of the head is vital area of our body, so by putting medicinal paste we nourish body through cell metabolism like we fertilize the tree. A eshe mne budut delat' s zavtra ochistitelnye procedury po "alternativnoy programme". 2 nedeli ochen' malo. Po idee 2-d week - ochishenie tol'ko nachinaetsa, 3d week - razgar lecheniya. Te kto byl zdes' 1 month govoryat chto eto veshalka, no dlya menya tak bystro proshlo vremya, chto ya by spokoino byla zdes' 3 nedeli, a to i 4.
PS. Vseh s prazdnikom Maha Shivaratri!)) Poprobuyu segonya otprosit'sa v mestniy temple.
PPS V otsutstvie russkoy klavy prihoditsa pisat' in English - spodruchnee chem translit.
PPS. Segonya zhizn' kazhetsya osobenno prekrasnoy:) Prosnulas' v 6 utra i ponyala chto opyt' hochu v gory - eshe est' nepokorennie vershiny;) Mozhet kto na Altai hochet letom??