The Chopin Project Film Release

May 16, 2018 17:06

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The cinematic version of "CHOPIN: A Letter through the Parisian Years" was officially released on May 15, 2018 at Hôtel Chopin Grands-Boulevards in Paris, France.  Thank you everyone, who spent the evening with us! We had a blast and it was an amazing soirée: a very happy day for all of us to get back together, remember our productive time in Paris two years ago, and finalize our work on the Chopin Project with the release of its cinematic version, which is now available at our YouTube Channel, along with the Bonus Features!

Watch our full FILM below, subtitles are available in English, French, German, Polish, and Russian.  Click on "cc" in the settings of the video and choose a language ;)

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It has been a beautiful and persevering three and a half years, from the brainstorming of ideas for the Project till the release of the Film. The photos from the Release Event are available here. We are grateful to all the organizations, friends, and supporters who has helped us along the way. The project is now officially closed.

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