December Advent Commentathon + Presents

Dec 01, 2015 13:58

Hello my dear flist, and Happy December!
I'm sorry for the lack of posts or comments; real life and fandom life can be both rather hectic when they want to be.

Anyway, this is my December post and I'm here to deliver presents. Hope you've been naughty nice this year.

First of all, welcome to my first ever:

December Advent Commentathon

What does that entail?

Some time ago - on this post - I've got some interesting feedback about comments: most people in my flist - I would say all of them probably - love comments just as much as I do. They long for reviews, they want feedback from their readers, they need those few words that brighten your day and make you feel instantaneously better. So, feeling as if my flist was rather disillusioned with comments, and knowing the feeling of receiving comments, I've decided to do a December Advent Commentathon!

Which means: I'll post a comment a day from 1 December to the 31 (yeah, a bit more than 24 days).

What you have to do:
  • Nothing, just sit back and relax.
What you don't have to do:
  • Tell me to read a specific story. I really don't like to fret and do things hastily, therefore I should inform you that I've already picked, read, and reviewed all the stories I'll leave comments to. Yes, that's part of what I've done (fandom-wise) for the past two months (don't look at me like that. Some are novel-length stories!). They are a good mix of all sorts of ratings, categories, lengths, and pairings. I'm very proud of myself. Obviously, they're all stories that I enjoyed reading or that have been in my 'Marked for Later' for a while. I didn't force myself to read something that I didn't like, and I've abandoned multiple stories that I didn't particularly enjoy, I just really wanted my comments to be genuine, thank you very much.
  • Do a Commentathon yourself. By all means, if you feel like leaving some comments this December, please, go ahead and do so! But you're under no obligation whatsoever of doing what I'm doing.
  • Reply to my comments. I have to admit that I love when authors do reply to my comments, but don't feel obliged to reply at all. I'll bask in the knowledge that my feedback has made your day at least a little bit brighter. But do reply if you feel so inclined, you'll make my day brighter too!
  • Do something for me in return. I don't need you to read my stories, comment on them, or write/draw something for me as a thank you. As I said, I'm just happy to have hopefully put a smile on your face.
  • Don't despair/hate me/think that I hate you if I haven't reviewed any of your works this time around. My only rule is one story per author, and I've commented on many stories from people who are not amongst my friends here. If I didn't comment on anything that you created, I'm sorry; it just means that you didn't have any pairing that enticed me at this very moment in time. It certainly doesn't mean that I think you write hideously. Everybody is different and if we have different tastes, it'll be hard for me to read something of yours. Also, if you don't archive on AO3, it might be even harder (but not impossible, of course).
I'm not going to post a list of the stories I'll comment on, nor will I rec them here. You can check out My Bookmarks on AO3 day by day to see what stories I'm adding if you're interested. Yes, I'll comment, give kudos, and add them to my recs there. They're all fics because I'm always insecure about my comments to your gorgeous art. Sorry for that! I will also probably sign up to crack_broom in the upcoming months to rec some of the awesome stories I've read.

If this goes well, I might think about doing a Lent Commentathon and a Halloween Commentathon too!

The second thing I'm doing is...

I'm not going to re-write the same post as last year, but you can find the thingy here. It's flocked, so please, if you're a friend go ahead and choose three items from the list before Christmas, then send me an email, leave a comment on that post - they're screened - or PM me. I'm impatient to give you pressies, so go ahead and skim the list now and choose what you want, okay?

So... HAPPY CHRISTMAS, HANUKKAH, MAWLID, YULE, SATURNALIA, KWANZA, or DECEMBER, FLIST! Hope you have an awesome winter filled with lots of hot chocolate, books, and crackling fires.

gifts, christmas, fandom

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