AO3 Stats Memes: no... comments?

Sep 11, 2015 16:39

I've seen these AO3 stats memes popping up in my flist for a couple of days now, and I'm sorry if I haven't commented on each one of them. It doesn't mean that I don't like them or feel the urge to snob them, just that I've been rather busy with my betas, translations for the OTW October Drive, helping out crack_broom with tidying up their archive, and what ( Read more... )

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ely_baby September 11 2015, 21:13:12 UTC
I'm too old to understand how fandom works on Tumblr, I'm afraid. I do browse it occasionally, but I cannot get the hang of it when there's fic and feedback involved. But probably that's because my own Tumblr is just a picture that I take, and they're really not that good at all! LOL! I've never thought about using that platform for fics, but I'm glad you feel at home there and you are stimulated to write more and improve your English through fanfiction - I started writing in English to improve my language too! I have to admit that writing fanfics in English did wonders for my grades back in high school! :D

I'm not looking for attention as well. I write because I love to write. I usually finish a story before I post it all, I have just finished a 35-chapter-fic on Hugo/Lily, but haven't posted it yet. To reply to your other point there, some people might not use betas because they cannot find them for their stories. I always have a hard time and more than once I have posted stories without having them beta'd first. I warned my readers about that though and still got a nice response. But it is nice to have a beta and know that everything is just fine in your story and you used the right word and the right verb tense, right? On the other hand, I know some people who forego the use of betas completely, but they write so well (they're English mother tongues, though) that you really can't tell the difference. Some people would need at least an army of betas, though. ;)

I cannot find your AO3 name anywhere on your LJ, would you send it to me? I'm curious now and I'd like to check out your stories if that's okay with you! I'm afraid I have like zero time to read atm, but at least I know where to find you when I have the time. :) This meme is adorable and I do love my fluffiness from time to time. <333


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ely_baby September 13 2015, 13:12:51 UTC
AO3 is such a nice place for fandom, isn't it? I feel very much at home there, much more than everywhere else. And I love the layout of the website, so clear and easy to use. It's definitely one of my favourite websites at the moment. :)

personally i have discovered through writing stories since early age the beauty of expressing through the written word.

This is something really beautiful, and I do believe that I express myself better by writing rather than orally. And when you write a whole new world opens to you, doesn't it? When I write, I write for myself too, when I post I do hope in some feedback, but while I write my story, the only person I want to satisfy is myself.

Oh there is some talk about getting a beta-reader section on AO3, it's been suggested and hopefully it'll be implemented, but it's going require some time. But I hope they do it, in the end, because it would be immensely useful. :)

I'm afraid you're right, I'm not familiar with any of your fandoms. Ehm.. nor with your pen name. But congratulation for having uploaded the first part of the challenge! I'm sure it'll be a success! :D

You're English is indeed very good and I mistook you for a native as well! :D *\o/* Isn't that one of the best compliments when one speaks a language different from their own? xxx


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ely_baby September 15 2015, 12:18:07 UTC
Ah, I know that feeling well! To reach the end of a tag! I reach the end of my OTP tag daily - I just go back every day to see if someone has written them, but it never happens.. *sighs* But yes, once you've perused all stories in a tag, you are clearly left wanting more, and sometimes it can be rather frustrating. But it's good to know that, as soon as more stories are added, you'll find them straight away!

AO3 is extremely helpful and they really listen to their users. If you're interested they have translation teams for multiple language - even German - and they always welcome new volunteers. They even give you recommendation letters if you need them while you're job searching. I work for the Italian team, and it's definitely one more thing that I can add to my CV. :)

My LJ is mainly about the Harry Potter fandom, as well as some general fandom posts. I don't write very often because I don't have much time, but I always browse through my flist. I like to go on Tumblr as well, but I mostly use it to stare in awe at fanart posts and to like funny gifs and memes. And pictures of the UK. Especially pics of the UK. And recipes. Someone translated a fic of mine into Polish a few weeks ago and they posted it on Tumblr only. It definitely is the new platform for young readers and writers.

Tags are very useful! I love tags, everywhere. And I cry when I look for something and the person hasn't tagged their entries. And then it takes me forever to find what I need. :(

Wow, you're active in many fandoms! I could never do something like that, I only had one tiny incursion in the Hunger Games a few years ago, but nothing big. I even abandoned the fic. I like HP too much, but I am jealous of people who go from one fandom to the other like you do. :)

Ah, don't I know that problem with betas?! There's a good Tumblr account to help you find betas for all fandoms though. It's called betafinder. Maybe you can have more luck there? I found one and she's amazing. They also have writing tips and you can advertise your own story if you're in need of a beta yourself.

Speaking another language is wonderful. Apart from understanding another culture tenfold better, you manage to communicate with a multitude of new people. :) That's why I love languages so much. And yes, you should not be ashamed of making mistakes, au contraire your mistakes will help you improving! :D xx


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ely_baby September 19 2015, 10:24:57 UTC
Ah, AO3/OTW are fantastic. And the Translation Teams are wonderful and very friendly, I'm sure you'll find some great friends who share your interests and will have lots to talk about. There's even a chat for the teams! :D

To be honest with you, I can only ship fictional characters. I am completely uninterested about the whereabouts of real people and sometimes I feel completely anti-social. LOL! Fictional characters are so much easier to write and much more interesting, but as I said, I might just be anti-social..

England is bloody awesome! I studied there for a year during uni and went there multiple times. I really love it, the cities, the villages, the countryside.. Everything is gorgeous. You should definitely go! Hope you manage. *hugs*

Oh! So lovely to hear that Harry Potter was your first fanfiction! :D Even though you didn't manage to finish reading the saga, at least it made an impression on you. I'm so proud of my fandom. Hehe!

I've never been on duolingo, but if you say that it's a good website I'd like to go back and have a look at some languages that I studied and almost completely forgot. And I like that you can practice your translation skills! Sounds very useful!



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ely_baby September 24 2015, 21:23:42 UTC
This reply comes soooo late! Sorry for that, I've had the most hectic week ever!

But I wanted to tell you that your talking about Duolingo piqued my curiosity and I went and started the French, Spanish and Portuguese courses! Of course, I've only done them once - the day I registered to the website - but it's because I've been so busy! But I want you to know that I love that website already, and I cannot wait to start learning - re-learning, in my case - those languages properly! :D

I hope your Muse is still kissing you! Good luck with all your writing! :D I'll keep an eye on your works! Cannot wait! xxxx


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ely_baby September 27 2015, 19:24:45 UTC
And I'll make sure to comment on your posts, and if I don't, it's because RL got in the way again. *sighs* But I'll do my best.

Ah, I've studied all those languages before - heck, I have a degree in some of those languages - but I need to freshen them up.. I'm slacking already, though, I need to save some time during the day, especially for those! :) Congrats on all your languages! I'm sure you speak them much better than I speak mine.



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