International Fanworks Day Drabble Challenge!

Jan 16, 2015 21:07

Wow, look at me, posting two entries in one day..

This is something that I've waited to pimp since when I traslated the news post for the OTW (which happened last week probably). AO3 is pretty darn awesome, isn't it? It does feel a bit like home, right? So, even if I don't feel particularly inclined to write at the moment I think I'll participate - or try to, considering that it's a Drabble Challenge (bless them, they think they are making things easy with 100 words, well, not for me!) - to their International Fanworks Day Drabble Challenge!

All you have to do is post a 100-word-drabble, or a drawble, a short vid, an audio work or other format, on February 15th, and tag it with the archive tag: International Fanworks Day 2015. And if it's not something pervy they're going to signal boost it!

Well, I'll try really hard, I have a month, I might even succeed into writing something decent.. Happy writing, Flist!

ifd drabble challenge, fest

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