Samhain Recs

Nov 06, 2014 12:48

Happy belated Hallowe'en, my dear little Vampires, Werewolves and Ghouls! Hope you had a spooky one! I spent it watching Sleepy Hollow and wearing my pumpkin earrings and my Hallowe'en socks! Yep, I know, exciting stuff..

And I spent the past few days catching up with samhain_smut's entries, something that I had no time to do before. I am sure that lots of the entries that I didn't read because they featured either pairings or characters that I didn't particularly care for were awesome as well, but now that reveals are up I want to rec you what I think you should definitely go and read, like right at this instant, because I enjoyed them immensely. Yes, go and read them if you haven't already! (I wrote this post before reveals, and I am so over the moon and excited to finally see who wrote these lovely pieces!)
(Ron/Pansy, NC-17, 7,747, Oral, Fingering, Dirty Talk, Squirting)
What happens when you combine a Halloween ball, a dress that was larger-than-life and twice and inconvenient, and a relentless boyfriend with a penchant for kinky games?

I have always thought that Ron was a sex god and well... this story just confirms that. This is, first of all, a very fun and very hot tale to read - I don't even know how the author manages to be fun and hot at the same time, but she succeeds. Ron and Pansy are beautifully characterised and very true to their original characters. At the same time the chemistry between them is undeniable and the snark flows throughout the fic and makes it a truly fun read. But the most remarkable part of the story is the infinite sex scene, where Ron really focuses on driving Pansy completely crazy with a crescendo of delightful orgasms. He is truly devilish, but Pansy can do anything but complain. And the reader as well..
(Draco/Lily Luna, 5,200, R, Non/Dub-con, Blood, Death, Vampires, Stalking/Obsession)
Draco had been a creature of death for many moons now, and he grew tired of it. But the magic of Samhain would bring him what he truly desired.

This is a masterpiece of Gothic literature. I spent many a summer when I was younger immersing myself completely in books about Vampires, then one day I stumbled upon Twilight, read it and puff! My love was gone. But this story brought me back to those years and made me remember why I loved reading Bram Stoker's works as much as Le Fanu's, Poe's, and Anne Rice's. This story is told from the perspective of Draco the vampire, bored with his not life and in search of a prey that will put up a fight instead of yielding to his allure. He finds that in Harry's daughter, so young and full of life and with blood that shines like the moon. The images in here are beautiful and the style and vocabulary are absolutely magnificent, it's like a proper short story that would be perfectly fine in a published book. I cannot praise this enough, this needs to be read. If you don't like the pairing or the warnings or the summary, you still should read it because of how beautifully written this is. Give it a chance! I promise you won't regret it.
(Theo/Tracey, 6,650, NC-17)
Theodore Nott has a fortnight to bed Tracey Davis or forfeit on an ill-advised wager.

If I have to be completely honest, I felt very smug when I understood who the Mystery Author was for this story before reveals were even up! Ah! But there’s only a person (in the whole world probably) who understands and writes secondary (and slightly misunderstood, maybe?) characters as beautifully as Nightfalltwen does. This is a beautiful and romantic tale in a perfect rom-com style, and if you don’t fall in love with this Theo or you don’t wish that Tracey had more space in the books after this, well, then there’s something wrong with you. The sexy scene is awesome, sweet and sexy and just perfect, and the characters and the setting and all the little details are beautiful and bring the story truly alive. Wonderful little fic!

I participated too! I wrote Let the Ritual Begin (now also on AO3).
(Fred I/Rose, 9,500, NC-17, Uncle/niece incest, Necrophilia, Pregnant Sex, Cousin incest)
All Rose wanted from her Uncle Fred was some advice and maybe a blessing on Samhain night. All Fred wanted from Rose was a little something in return for having landed face first in the cemetery that night.

I am not telling you not to read it, but I'll admit that it's not one of my best works, so if you don't read it, I won't cry too much. (Wow, best auto-rec ever, don't you think?)

But go and have a look at their masterlist, because there might be something of your liking there that I didn't read/rec. Thank you to the wonderful mods for this beautiful fest! I had quite a bit of fun participating in it. 

samhain-smut, recs

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