A History of Magic

Feb 09, 2018 17:59

Hello Flist!

In case you were wondering, I'm not dead yet. I have just been sucked into that awful thing called Real Life. I won't bore you with all the details, but I can assure you that I am tired and busy and tired. And that I don't have much free time to do anything at all.

Except... Well, I had time to go to the British Library to see the Harry Potter exhibition!! Harry Potter - A History of Magic. Let me tell you this: it is bloody fantastic! (Luckily it was because I had to wait almost 4 months to see it despite being a member of the British Library.)

Alas, no photos allowed inside, but let me give you a quick recap of the exhibition.

Apart from here. Look at this, this is at the entrance of the British Library. It does look like Hogwarts a bit, doesn't it?

So... Every room tells you the story of a Hogwarts subject, and the amount of thought that went into designing every detail is remarkable. The Herbology room, for example, has a bench with giant pots that you can lift up and hear Stephen Fry as he reads the part with the Mandrakes from "Chamber of Secrets". The Potion room has real cauldrons with computer screens inside, where you can mix up your own potion. The Divination room has a crystal ball where you can see your future - mine was a bit foggy in case you're wondering. And so on. Every room is made to give you a Hogwarts-y feeling, with wooden panels, portraits, flying books, flying Snitches, broomsticks, hats, etc.

Plus, there are Jim Kay's colourful paintings, lots of objects relating to magical practices from all over the world, and lots and lots of unpublished work from J.K.Rowling. There was even the very first review that she received: scribbled on a napkin by her daughter. SO. Sweet. And I knew J.K. could draw, but there are so many drawings of her in the exhibition, and they are all amazing. I am jealous of her many talents, obviously.

It was absolutely fantastic - and overcrowded with people of all ages (especially the elderly!) - and the shop was incredible and incredibly overpriced (I bought the book of the exhibition and the DVD on Amazon, they were half the price!), but I got a magnet for my mum, the postcard and the poster.

You have to see it. I hope it will tour the world and that every single Pott-head will be able to go! :D

Hope you are all VERY well, my friends!

A very bad picture of the poster of the exhibition. :)

real life, a history of magic, fandom

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