Senator Cardin,
I have emailed you before about health care reform. Please continue to stand firm on enacting the eight health insurance consumer protections as outlined by the President ( Please stand firm on the inclusion of a public option, with the ultimate goal being single-payer insurance coverage.
I would suggest you announce at the start of your next town meeting on health care reform that the purpose is discussion and civilized discourse. Those who attend for the sole purpose of disrupting the meeting with disorderly or dangerous conduct should be warned and then removed from the premises if they do not desist. Please don't be intimidated by a bunch of naysayers and idiots.* These "plants" bussed in by right-wingers and the health care industry aren't your constituents who vote for you. Real health care reform should benefit all the people, not health care CEOs. A country as rich as ours should be able to spend money and compassion on the less fortunate. In the end we all benefit.
*In a word: L.O.S.E.R.S. (this part not sent to Cardin).
It amazes me that the people who will most benefit from health care reform (the poor, the elderly, those with no, lousy, or too expensive health insurance) are the ones fighting against their own best interest.