Odds and Ends

Feb 24, 2009 20:21

Well, I've circumvented the hiring freeze by transferring to another department in the organization I work for. Not something I'm real interested in doing, but it's not rocket science and it's a paycheck. Someone at work asked what I was really interested in, and I said "photography," and she of course commented that "it's not something they're hiring for here, unfortunately." Then she mentioned a photographer relative of hers in Florida who she said sometimes gets gigs but is still not getting steady work in this economy.

I start in the new department tomorrow; the man who will be my supervisor seems nice so far and not a micromanager (from what I can tell after a couple meetings and phone calls). I don't think my former boss (the micromanager) will miss me too much. Sometimes it seems my karmic lot in life is to work for anal retentives who have no sense of humor.

Just for fun I enquired about a part-time job selling movie posters on ebay at a store located in Towson. Haven't heard anything back, but then it was a posting on Craigslist, and I take most things I find there with a grain of salt. Did apply for a job listing I saw on Craigslist a while back (about 2 years ago) that was legit, but the hours weren't to my liking. I think Craigslist is a microcosm of society in general; you can literally find anything and everything on it.

So Rupert Murdoch finally apologized for that revoltingly offensive New York Post dead chimp cartoon. Better late than never, but the cartoon shouldn't have made it past the editorial desk in the first place.

On a lighter note, I've had MSNBC on in the background while waiting for Obama's speech this evening. My husband noticed that Michael Wolff, who was interviewed this past week by Chris Mathews on Hardball and is author of The Man Who Owns the News: Inside the Secret World of Rupert Murdoch, resembles Dr. Evil.

chimpanzee, mike myers, economy, employment, austin powers, msnbc, work, rupert murdoch

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