Hey Folks,
Just a few events coming up that I’m attending. Does anybody else want to go?
First: The Gwinnett County Fair is happening now and I’ve got the hookup for anyone who wants to come with me. I’m going tomorrow and probably a couple more trips either Monday or Tuesday.
Second: Thursday night there is a screening of Nightmare on Elm St, yes the original along with some making of footage.
Third: Friday the 22nd is The Buckle Ball Pre-Party @ Spring 4th. Dress code strictly enforced.
http://www.agoraphobiaproductions.com/nights.htm Fourth: Saturday the 23rd is the Buckle Ball @ The Jungle. Dress code strictly enforced.
http://www.bucklemagazine.com/buckleball/2006/ Fifth: Eric Clapton Oct. 14th @ The Arena @ Gwinnett Center. I don’t have a ticket yet but I’m looking for someone else who wants to go.
Fifth: The Who Nov. 22nd @ The Arena @ Gwinnett Center. I don’t have a ticket yet but I’m looking for someone else who wants to go.
Let me know if you’re interested in going to any of these upcoming events. I’m not offering the hookup on any but the fair. Just looking for company.