I know right, silly trusting Jen. I'll just keep the passport for the amazingly majestic and intimidating "Her Britannic Majesty's Secretary of State requests and requires in the name of Her Majesty..." speech in the beginning.
(In contrast, mine says "This passport is the property of the Federal Republic of Germany" and "This passport contains 32 numbered pages". :( The lack of pomp in this country leaves me in despair sometimes.)
Aah yeah, I compared my passport to my Finnish friend's that I had over last week, which was much the same as yours. All you poor people with no Brittanic Majesty to come over and beat up the customs officers if they don't let you through. Cos that's what happens, innit?
Well, the monarchy is there purely for the pomp so they pomp it good every chance they get! Also, one of our national songs is set to the tune of "Pomp and Circumstance". Perhaps we overdo it on the pomp. We're probably just making up the pomp quota for the whole of Europe. YOU PEOPLE JUST DON'T DO IT RIGHT.
I admit I miss the monarchy a little when I read that. ;D We could try and threaten anyone being an obstacle to set zombie Kaiser Wilhelm on them? (The first one, because the second one left with too much butthurt to do anything for Germany and also he was stupid.)
No no, you're not overdoing it. Someone's gotta do the pomp job among all these boring and functional-only countries. ;)
Can you not raise the second one from the dead and command his zombie as penance for being crap? Or colour it as a clever PR move, whichever would appeal.
I suppose we'll HAVE to, seeing as no one else is equipped to take on the duty. *put-upon sigh*
That is a very good point! Since he proclaimed he'd never ever return here until the monarchy is reinstated, he'd actually be perfect for sending him to other countries without having to fear his zombie rage ourselves.
Please do. After all you're sustaining an entire industry of tabloids and gossip magazines in Germany with your royal house! ... Just the other day I was subjected to a long article about Fergie being bancrupt in our regular newspaper. /sob
Ooh, good safety mechanism! So long as you can keep him under control though. I don't want to have to start reading up on how to survive zombie apocalypses.
...I am slightly dismayed that it reaches other countries' tabloids. gdit. Ahaaa, I was talking about that last night with my family; we hope she's not too bankrupt because she she asked my cousin to run a few errands for her and he needs the money.
I am glad you are well looked after!
And that you are loving the Germany. ;3;
(In contrast, mine says "This passport is the property of the Federal Republic of Germany" and "This passport contains 32 numbered pages". :( The lack of pomp in this country leaves me in despair sometimes.)
Well, the monarchy is there purely for the pomp so they pomp it good every chance they get! Also, one of our national songs is set to the tune of "Pomp and Circumstance". Perhaps we overdo it on the pomp. We're probably just making up the pomp quota for the whole of Europe. YOU PEOPLE JUST DON'T DO IT RIGHT.
No no, you're not overdoing it. Someone's gotta do the pomp job among all these boring and functional-only countries. ;)
I suppose we'll HAVE to, seeing as no one else is equipped to take on the duty. *put-upon sigh*
Please do. After all you're sustaining an entire industry of tabloids and gossip magazines in Germany with your royal house! ... Just the other day I was subjected to a long article about Fergie being bancrupt in our regular newspaper. /sob
...I am slightly dismayed that it reaches other countries' tabloids. gdit. Ahaaa, I was talking about that last night with my family; we hope she's not too bankrupt because she she asked my cousin to run a few errands for her and he needs the money.
(Also, isn't our monarchy part German anyway?)
(Yes. The Queen's left hand is German.)
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