Finally, an update! (Edited)

Apr 13, 2011 20:56

Sorry for the while between posts. I've been busy lately between job hunting and everything else. Here's an (unfortunately long) update:

Sat Feb. 5 - Job fair, WhattheHell?Con and D&D Game

It was a busy day. I got up early and went to a single company job fair for a company in North Greensboro that I wouldn't mind working for. It went OK. It was just for a temp position, but I'd like to get it.

Then I came home, changed and went over to Guilford College for a few hours to visit WhattheHell? Con. I got to see friends that I haven't seen in a while, including Allegra Torres (the chainmail chick) and her friends, folks from the Stellarcon Con Comm, some Starfleet folk and others in the NC SF community. I missed my friend, artist Mike Moon, unfortunately, since he was out to lunch. Then I headed out to my monthly D&D game under fanofthemouse.

We FINALLY finished the "End of the World" campaign. Our party won and saved the planet, although it was a tough fight. We got a few breaks by coming in from an unexpected direction and in the form of aid from good deity aspects who were preventing evil deity aspects from directly attacking us. Deities in the room, yeeks! Bad stuff!

I managed to get in the final blow with a fireball that caused a large secondary explosion from a destroyed magical item and then started the volcano that we were in to erupt. We barely escaped,but escape we did and survived. Yea for our party of adventurers!

I hope that we do some more adventures in this world with that party. Majere' (my Battle Sorceror) would love to go back to his home town and tie up some loose ends with his town guard nemesis who framed him for murder and officially disown his drunken father if he's still alive.

At the end of that day, I came home and crashed.

Feb. 6 - Superbowl Sunday

Another busy day with Church, afternoon Bible Study and then, a Superbowl party at Fireheart1974 and Lerxstfan's place. The game was great! I was kinda hoping for the Steelers to win again, but I didn't mind the Packers winning so much. I was rooting for the commericals. And there were some good ones this year.

My two favorite ones were the "Darth Vader" Volkswagon commerical and the "Coke Dragon" one, which was pretty cool I thought. I liked the animation and the Dragon and the Orcs looked cool.

Sunday morning I had a rough moment. The Pastor was speaking about the direction our Church is taking in reaching out the our community more and he pulled the "Boldly Go" quote from Star Trek. He was partway through and was getting it wrong, when he suddenly stopped and corrected himself and added "If I get that wrong, Billy Mann will let me know later." I wanted to slide under the pew for a moment. Ah well, when they know you're a Trekker....

Monday, Feb. 7 - Dinner Day

I had a special visitor Monday. LauraHCorey came by while in Greensboro on unrelated business. I knew she was coming and we sat and discussed the Health Panel that we are doing together at Stellarcon in a few weeks as well as other fandom stuff. Fireheart1974, Lerxstfan and PaulCorey were to come and join us for dinner, but fireheart came down with the flu that day and it was just too far for Paul to drive, so I took Laura to dinner at Chilis and we talked a lot and caught up with each other. I'm just sorry that Paul, J and T couldn't make it.

Wednesday, Feb. 9 - Circus

I had not been to the Circus in over twenty years, since I took a date while I was in college (She loved the Circus). So when two friends of mine, Rich G and Kelly W, invited me to go to the Circus (free) a few weeks ago, I jumped at the chance. I rode over to Kelly's on opening night and we went and picked up Rich, then headed over to see the Circus. I was not surprised to see a few PETA protestors on the street corner by the Coliseum. They protest every time the Circus comes to town.

Inside, we got a chance to see some of the animals prior to performing in a special area, that included exhibits on how the animals are treated (a nice reaction to PETA - it is something I am concerned about). I loved the tigers.

Then the Circus began. I hate to say it, but it was a lot better twenty years ago. The show was much smaller this time. The acts weren't as big. The high wire act only took up a small portion of the ring (as opposed to the whole length of the Coliseum, but there was no trapeze act). Not to say that the acts weren't good, but overall, I wasn't really impressed. The Strongman act was cool as were the acrobats and a few other acts. The tiger act was pretty good, but one tiger and an elephant were being a bit of a problem not wanting to perform or out of sync.

Still, I had a pretty good time, even if I was a bit disappointed. And our seats were up on the second level at one end. I would have preferred the bottom middle, but I can't complain - it was free. Afterwards, we got Rich back to his car and went by a Wendy's and got something to eat, then took it back to Kelly's apt where we chatted for a while.

Thursday - Feb. 10 - Running amuck and Volunteer Dinner

Thursday, I was up early to drive to High Point to take a friend to the Housing Authority to see about getting him into Section 8 Housing since his house is being comdemned out from under him in just a few weeks. I had to help him with the application and help explain the situation to the Housing person.

I wound up spending almost all day helping him run errands and try to cut through bureaucratic red tape and things. When I got home, it was 5:00 PM and I had a volunteer dinner to go to.

One place I volunteer at, the GPCC (Greensboro Crisis Pregnancy Center - I do data entry for them), was holding it's annual Volunteer Dinner. I got changed and managed to make it over there. I got to meet some other volunteers and make a few new friends while there. When I got home, I collapsed for a few hours and got up around 1:00 AM to actually "go" to bed.

It was a quiet, mostly restful weekend.

Monday, Feb 14 - Valentine's Day and Court

Monday was Valentine's day (AKA Singles Awareness Day) and where was I. Sitting in a Jury room, waiting to see if I was called. Jury Duty, which I was supposed to have back in early October, I got deferred to February 14. I never got called and had to stay until 3:45. But at least I didn't get called for a case.

Edit: I started this entry on 2/19 and it never got finished. So, here it is for the moment.