Yuki blog 2012/06/26

Jul 08, 2012 15:49

Here's the last blog of June.  The usual rules apply.  The original blog entry can be found here.  Enjoy!

5th Anniversary

Good evening.

It’s Yuki. (・∀・)

The “Versailles Presents Tokyo Metropolis” lives on the 23rd and 24th are finished.

Thanks to everyone who came to see us, the bands who performed with us, and all of our staff, it was a fun and magnificent show. ☆

We got a lot of congratulatory messages from Japan, naturally, but also from all around the world. (^-^)
Thank you so much!

(requisite floral display)

(awesome mosaic project)

↑This, if you look closer…

(closeup of awesome mosaic project)

It’s made of photos from fans from around the world. Σ(・ω・;|||

Everyone, I’m truly, truly grateful. ・°・(ノД`)・°・

Because the show was made up of bands that we have a good relationship with and whom we have been indebted to*, the atmosphere backstage was also a lot of fun. ☆

(group photo)

Thank you very much!

*Yuki uses the term “sewa wo naru”, which actually refers to being taken care of (sewa wo suru meaning to take care of another person/group, etc.)  It means that the bands have helped them out in some way in the past.  Indebted was the most succinct way I could think to translate it.

yuki blog translations, versailles

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