SXS 1 October is like my wish finally come true! as much as i love sxs and all that segment but i really do miss grandprix. it's okay not to have those batsu games (Climbing mountain, triathlon) cos we all know how busy our guys are.. (but i do approve if it batsu game with 2 top!) ♥ SO KITAAA! this week is finnally (kinda like) grandprix and we see smap vs someone else (not nakai as mc).
Wrestling, Badminton, table tennis. i love all the match for one to many reason. LOL
first is wrestling!!!
The girl wrestling (who win 3 times in olympic for Gold medal!!)
They test her strength by climbing the rope with only her hand and she do it really fast *____*
Is Goro chance now! LOL. and he do it really well to. SUGOOIII!!
But then he notice he already climb pretty high and getting scared. XD
The battle is, the member lying stomach down and the girl will try to flip them.
she's really strong!! all the member get lose easily!
Can i say i envious of her. she got a chance of hugging 3 member of SMAP!
then Nakai suggest to change place. SMAP will try to flip her up and Kimura will do the challenge.
Nakai suggest the "staring tactic" to weak her. *_______________________* all the audience is screaming. ME TOO!! and the members also with such a fake girl voice. ROFL
but Kimura also lost. then Shingo do the challenge and WIN!
the wrestling girl said that Shingo has the potential to be wrestler.
Second is Badminton! my fav!!
the girl pair that win silver medal in the olympic. The court has been changed. for the girl side they max 2x and for SMAP member the length cut to 2/3
first pair is Shingo and Goro. When the girl asked, she said it's lucky that it's not Kimura. SHinGoro shout angrily. LOL
They play quite well but still lost.
second pair is Kimura and Tsu. the athlete member of the team.
it can be seen how different this pair play with ShinGoro. Kim Tsu play seriously XD
SHingo: "He got scolded?" LOLit's a tight match but smap still lost.
and the last pair is "adjfgaoufahfak" 2TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The audience all screaming (and me too. lol)
2top pair is strong!! while KimTsu, Kimura always the one who lead and do all the smashing, but with Nakai, they both do the smashing and Nakai is the one who lead. and no need of communication (sasuga 2top) They know who will hit and where to needed. Kimura mostly do the long rally and Nakai will finish it with a smash. Nakai really energetic! love his spirit in all the games segment. But at the end, Kimura makes some mistakes (probably he too tired for playing 2 round in a row) and smap team lose again.
Third is table tennis.
the two olympic girl (who i know one of it since she came in sxs and discuss about apartment in Tokyo. LOL). the table tennis for the olympic girl will be moving around for making them harder to notice the ball direction.
Goro try to hit the ball. but he protest because he' a left handed so it move to left side.
He failed, and Nakai said: "ahh, it can't be air" and miracle the ball hit Nakai. LOL. all the member cheers!!
Shingo tryng to hit the ball with one shoot and he success!! XD
Smap change members as they play and they win the first round. (Nakai is strong!)
love Kimura short hair!!!!
Then its' 2 olympic girl vs one members. Cause the olympic so strong it's easily became 3-9 (match point). All members trust Shingo for the last game (and call him master. LOL). then shingo put down his wrist band (Tsu yell that it weigh 20kg) and imitate one of the girl pose. LOL. (but i love his stare. *____*)
Lucky things is, he keep winning, so he maintain the pose. lol. and the point turn out to be 7-9. at the end the girls still winning.
Cos she win, the wrestling girl can got her wish. and since she a hard fan of Long vacation. she wants all SMAP members sign in Sena (Kimura character in LongVaca) shirt.
Kimura: "(posing like this) I look like smap fan"
and she got the shirt (also saying she will held the shirt to sleep for a week. nice comment XD). Lucky!! ♥
can't wait for the fencing episode!