Mar 12, 2005 23:34
So exhausted. 100B field trip today. A very long, but interesting day. I think it was more long than interesting, but I could just be grumpy because I'm tired. It's been known to happen. But there were parts where it was definitely nice and people were talking and we were learning cool things about Californian geology. And the weather was really nice, a little hot, but much better than cold or rainy.
Man, haven't posted in a while. Not really anything to post about. Feeling a little like I'm being avoided by some people and stuff like that. Not sure if it's true, or if I'm just paranoid.
Can't wait for spring break! I've taken two midterms and have one on Wednesday, for which the review session is tomorrow night. The same class for which I had a 12.5 hour field trip today. So it's kind of like Petrology overload. Although, today kinda reminded me what interests me about geology and stuff.
Hm. Yeah, I'm kinda tired and not putting together coherent thoughts much anymore. So I will sign off. Goodnight.