Oct 22, 2008 21:12
ok. erm yeah.
anyways~ I was walking home when I started looking around and ET VOILA. An idea for my graphic design hit me between the eyes by the time I settled down and was all ready to eat dinner. It was like BAM. Now I'm actually somewhat inspired to want to try to do something for this project cos it's actually going to be something personal and something I want to do. Just that to finish it will take INHUMAN ENDURANCE, STRENGTH and NO SLEEP. I'm serious. That week is HELL WEEK. I better try and get more stuff done or else I'd be so screwed come next week. The datelines are starting to dawn on me o_0
Now all i have to do is to convince jesvin to let me change my brief for the third time.
Maybe it won't be that hard, the prev ones were total CRAP >_>
I think it was also cos of the 2 hours spent at MOS with bern and jas, cos somehow it cleared my mind enough to think again. It was the questions that got me thinking again, because usually I don't even bother to question the system or the normal route of 'success'. You two are lifesavers, really, I was about to die of despair for GD. I'd treat the two of you to tehpeng? :3
Oddly enough, I guess maybe I can move forward may because schoolwork is really such a big part of my life. My classmates are the people I interact/work/play with, the teachers are my 'clients' who inspire me and essentially, I am a kind of hermit/workaholic (albeit a lazy last min one).
Maybe it's weird, but learning for the sake of learning needn't really be bad. We'd get to the corporate part, the part where we start to do stuff for real, just that maybe now's the time to see if there's anyway we can stretch, appropriate and eventually settle into a style that is so indisputably us that we can paint the world with it. I want to care about my work. Now if only i have the energy to see this idea through to the end of this semester.
Just a sudden realisation, but I'm profoundly profoundly glad I have friends like you all who really try to bring me out into the world more often and try to help me change. Otherwise I'd seriously be the frog that wouldn't and couldn't live outside of its well. I don't know, but ever since coming to ADM, I've learnt how to break the rules more and realised that I do have an identity and choices. Choices that come with responsibility, but choices nonetheless.
Better late than never realising it, I'd say.
I think I've got to try smarter ways of doing my work.The entire of this semester was spent trying to not die during assignments and grappling with the software. I've just got to get my own pace and system going and maybe then I'd be fine.
Today was just...inspiring, and tiring, overall.