Jul 19, 2008 17:20
I think I've found the coolest volunteer thing ever (for me at least). The Raptor Centre is so fucking awesome! It's like 10xs better than OHS (mostly because it doesn't have that bitchy lady) I got to give meds to a Swainson's Hawk (dark morph) and hold a Red-Shouldered hawk so it could get meds. So freakin' sweet. It was only my second time and they let me catch it and hold it!!! Mind you these catching things was really easy. Since these birds are on meds and need special care they're in boxes. All I have to do is slide a blanket back, catch the feet, take it out, hold it upsidown, pin the wings and hold it close to you. The most difficult part was using the gloves that are made for men :< My hands don't fit in any of the gloves they have. All the laytex gloves are size L and these gloves must have been size enormous. I also discovered my hands are too small to restrain the head properly :< My thumb ends up on the eye...not the in the side of the mouth where it's supposed to go when you force feed. Oh well, I'll buy gloves for tiny hands and keep them as my own for next week ^^ I can't wait to start learning how to train some of the residents or be allowed in the bald eagle cage!