How do you "juice" a clam?
In my efforts to discover exactly how one would extract the juice of a clam to make "Mott's Clamato Juice", I stumbled upon the
FAQ section of the Clamato website. Question 6 answers this... sort of.
6. All right, so how do you add the clam flavour to Mott's* Clamato*?
Using a top-secret process for mollusc reanimation, our engineers add a small amount of clam powder at just the right moment, to give Mott's* Clamato* its unique taste.
Mollusc reanimation? Dr. Frankenclam?
So, clam juice is actually a "clam powder"? Is this anything like Countrytime Lemonade? Countrytime Clamade, if you will.
I won't. Everything about this product creeps me out.