So, it seems to be a popular topic on the old f-list these days. The wonderful women of my f-list seem to be putting up a lot of chick-flick quotes regarding declarations of love.
Aww, how sweet, how touching, how...
Sorry ladies, but I'm a guy. Most of the chick-flick lines make me want to vomit rather than make my heart all a flutter. That being said, I'm quite possibly a hopeless romantic. I just get my fluff from different sources. There is nothing wrong with chick-flicks. Secretly, guys are okay with them, because let's be honest. We're not WATCHING the movie, we're making our move, and you're captive for two hours. Works for us.
So, from the perspective of someone who does not enjoy the career works of Hugh Grant and Patrick Dempsey, allow me to humbly present my top ten declarations of love/reunions/romantic moments. (I already kinda did this on Nat's journal, but it's good enough to put on my own).
10. The Place Promised in our Early Days
Most people on my f-list have probably not seen this movie. But if there are anime fans out there, Makoto Shinkai has been compared to Miyazaki, and with good reason. He has a fabulous imagination, and his stories really strike a chord. His stories are much more bittersweet, and examine melancholy, lonliness and isolation much more. All those things make the climax of his masterpiece all the more heartfelt. Background is, our two lovers have been apart, only able to communicate through dreams, as one of them is in a coma. This is their reunion.
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9. Before Sunrise
There is perhaps no better movie about spark and chemistry than this. For the record, the first date was this good. It's why I've been so squeeful lately.
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8. Before Sunset
Well, if I picked the above clip, I had to pick this one to complete the story. Everyone always wonders about the one who got away. What if you got that second chance?
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7. The Fifth Element
The best Sci-Fi cheese movie ever made. It had every cliche, every plot device, knew exactly what it was. Mila Jovovich as the perfect being. Yeah, what a stretch.
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6. What Dreams May Come
So, this isn't what I think life after death is, but gosh darn it if it doesn't tug a bit at the heartstrings. I don't believe in soulmates, but if they exist, this must be what it's all about.
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5. Last of the Mohicans
A line so good, I plagarized it in fanfic.
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4. Slumdog Millionaire
I really can't get over how much I liked this movie. Childhood friendship stories always get me. And (if you've seen this movie) tell me if this kiss (and not the one on the lips), no matter how brief, isn't the most meaningful kiss you've ever seen. I ADORE the imagery of kissing it all away. Brilliant filmmaking.
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3. Mad About You
My OTP in their darkest moment, coming through. Booyah!
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2. Big Fish
If I can ever pull of a gesture this grand, I demand to be made emperor of the freaking world.
(wish I could find the whole clip in one video, but, oh well).
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1. The Village
Yeah, pretty much my favorite declaration of love ever. I relate a bit to Lucius, and I totally fell for an Ivy. She inspires me to dance.
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So maybe all this will help get the final chapter of
The Long Road Home out of my head and into cyberspace. We'll see. In the meantime, I'll be dreaming of Singing Englishwomen with hints of Irish lilts who touch sinfully and kiss passionately.
Sweet dreams everyone.