(Don't) Ban Harry Potter!

Jan 30, 2007 17:35

Grand-Master-of-all-things-worth-being-Grand-Master-of alloy_ has continued on a lively discussion about book banning. In this case, our beloved Boy Who Lived. I'd like to carry on the debate, and run away with a few tangents from the discussion on his journal. I recommend you read that discussion here. Since, I will be responding to certain comments made there.

I agree with grownupron. Tolerance isn't really a Christian value.

Especially since tolerance, by defeniton, means accepting something even though you frown upon it and consider it to be less than, or beneath your normal standards. By some arguments (I believe, most notably/recently made by Dinesh D'Souza in What's So Great About America.), tolerance can be a bad thing.

Forgiveness and grace are far more important in the Christian tradition that this lady claims to come from.

Incidently, if I'm not mistaken, Ms. Rowling has gone on record as saying that the overreaching arc of her story has several prominent Judeo-Christian themes that will become more apparent in book seven. Full disclosure, in the same interview, I believe she also went on record as saying that the books aren't meant to proseletyze, but are simply a reflection of what she believes, and that those beliefs are shared by many (I'm among them, and those themes are part of what made me love the books).

As for the attack on Wicca issue, yes, I agree. Her Crusade is primarily a Crusade against The Occult. This has been a sad recurring theme in the history of The Church.

Let's get a few things straight. I'm an engineer by training. I deal in physics, science and numbers. I've taken college level biology, and am reasonably versed in evolutionary theory (and by this, I mean, more so than the layman off the street). By the same token, I will passionately profess to you my belief in Angels, Demons, Miracles, and a Man who rose from the dead. And I see no contradictions.

To be a Christian is to believe in the Occult. Someone in the discussion believed that fear of Wicca/Paganism/Etc. might come from jealousy of a more free lifestyle. This might have some degree of truth to it. I give it, say, 25% or so. But I think the bigger root of fear truly is that I'm not alone in my belief in the Occult. To the millions who share my beliefs, the Devil and the Occult are every bit as real as gravity. To believe is to know. What this woman is trying to do, and what the Church has tried to do on occasion is keep people from biting the apple from The Tree Of Knowledge. In Genesis, Adam and Eve are happy until their eyes are opened, then they run away and hide. It was a mistake then, and it's still a bad idea. To paraphrase a man WAY smarter than I am, The Devils in Hell are satisfied with two results: If we know nothing of them, or if we know of them and are obsessed with them.

I think Laura Malloy might be a tad obsessed. Don't get me wrong, I admire her passion. Passion is a funny thing though. It's a reflection of what's inside. And everything I glean from the situation tells me her passion comes from fear and not love, or rather more from fear than love.

I am somewhat torn. like I said. I believe in God, and I believe in the Devil. It's part of who I am and how I see the world. Because of that, I do believe in spiritual warfare and the need to guard my soul, just as much as I believe in looking both ways before crossing the street. I believe in both for the same reason: it's good common sense, and it could save your life.

So, if I believe all this stuff, shouldn't I agree with Mrs. Malloy's desire to stem the influence of The Occult, and all things not from God? I should...except it just don't feel right. There's a lack of love somewhere at the base level. And I believe in love. Unconditional, irrational, timeless, endless, boundless love that redeems. And I just don't see that in this Crusade, or in the hundreds of others like it against rock music, video games, skateboarding, dying your hair different colors and excersizing your right to be an individual. I agree, we need God in America (what can I say, I'm an Evangelical). But again, to paraphrase Lewis, the Devil accepts services done in God's name if they advance his agenda. All find what they truly seek (that part is pretty much a direct quote because I just LOVE that line).

War is friggin' complicated man!

Well, I'm going to stop here because I'd like to get thoughts from other people before I rant on too much longer. It's more fun when this is interactive, don't you think?

Incidently, yes, I am alive. I've just been off hiding in my cave. No particular reason, just a combination of work, class, and trips between home and the new home in San Jose to take care of moving in logistics. For the record, I missed everyone, and I hope you all are well.

And a much belated birthday to the coolest New York Broad eva', harrysmom. I wanted to do something for you, like write a fic, but I kept putting it off. Evidently I succeeded. Don't worry, it just means that next year when you turn 25, I'll have something that much cooler for you!

politics, philosophical type stuff, musings, rants, religion, rishi 101

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