So, I've discussed
An Inconvenient Truth with a few people since I've seen it. Two conversations stand out. They were with people who fall on the conservative end of the spectrum. And they both expressed doubt about the reality of Global Warming.
Now, I consider these people friends, in one case, a very good friend. But I guess I'm just really baffled as to how people can still think that Climate Change isn't real. I mean, you might as well argue that the world is flat because the Space Program was a Left-Wing Conspiracy. Seriously, who are you going to believe. Some politician at the stump? Because obviously, there's nothing more honest than a politician at the stump. He must be telling you the truth, not
people who have dedicated their lives to studying climate change. I didn't understand the urgent need for some people to see the movie because I thought that it just can't be possible for people to NOT believe that Global Warming is real. I mean, the science just simply can't be argued with. But, I guess you just can't underestimate the power of people to be stupid.