Go to this website. Really, it's for the best.
Most everyone knows about Global Warming. Most everyone knows it's bad. Most everyone knows they can do more to help stop it. But everyone needs a kick in the pants now and again to put things in perspective.
The movie is not left wing propaganda. The movie is not a 2 hour guilt trip. The movie is a well made, thoughtful piece of cinema that combines Al Gore's slide show on Global Warming, with some insights into who Al Gore is and why Climate Change is a personal passion of his. Contrary to Right Wing Propaganda, Al Gore is not a stiff robot, nor is he an idiot. He is a passionate, intelligent man who would have made a fine leader (and over half of the country thought so incidentally). His slide show, and the movie, are a wonderfully concise explaination of what is a very complicated issue. You may think you know all there is to know about Global Warming, but unless you have Ph.Ds in Meteorology, Ecology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Engineering and Medicine, I think that even the most educated American will learn a few things they didn't know. The slide show, and the movie, are VERY comprehensive, and yet, very accessible (let me put it this way, even my sister understood about half of the real science, and she was a Communications major in college).
Bottom line, go see the movie. One might say it's your duty as an American, and more importantly, as a Human Being to see it and let it affect you.