Intriguing Drunk Survey...

May 06, 2006 23:45

1. Peed on yourself?
only when i laugh really really hard

2. Peed somewhere that's not the toilet or outside?

3. Been kicked out of a bar for being too rowdy?
no, but it wou;dn't surprise me if it happened at some point

4. Woken up and didn't know where you were?
not really, have been confused though cuz there have been times when i've passed out at plasses that i didn't plan on passing out at

5. Woken up and didn't know who was laying beside you?
no, but there have been times when i've been confused cuz i had forgotten that someone else was in my bed or whatever

6. Passed out in a field?
nope, surprising though since i go to farm school

7. Fell asleep on the toilet?
no, but i've come close

8. Had someone take care of you?
of course, someone needs to hold my hair back when i vomit, which isn't very often

9. Taken care of somebody else?
no, i tend to pass out so i get out of those duties

10. Gotten alcohol poisoning?
not that im aware of

11. Thrown up on yourself or somebody else?
not on myself since i was little and i haven't puked on anyone else in like 2 years

12. Gotten naked and danced on a table?
fuck no, even drunk im still self conscious

13. Gotten a DUI/DWI?
no way, i haven't driven after drinking since i was with andrew and he lived a mile away from my house

14. Cheated on a bf/gf?
yeah, i have

15. Won at beer pong?
oh yeah, chris and i go through streaks of being awesome

16. Broken anything over your head?
i don't think so

17. Gotten arrested?
nothing close *knocks on wood*

18. Threw up more then 10 times in a single night?
yeah, damn you absolute mandarin!

19. Told yourself you would never drink again, but then did anyway?
prolly but anyone that knows me knows that's a lie

20. Had sex with somebody, and then didn't remember the next day?
yeah prolly, in my wild days

21. Gone swimming?
does a hot tub count?

22. Had to go into work?
haha yes, being drunk at work was my summer last year

23. Done a keg stand?
yes i have

24. Passed out in a room full of people?
yeah, but not for very long, im usually woken up shortly after passing out

25. Passed out in a bar?
nah, im usually way silly before i get anywhere close to passing out and i always know when im getting near that point

26. Done something you didn't remember, and then had embarrassing photos revealed later?
oh man, christmas at adam's freshmen year, there are some good pictures from that

27. Broken any bones?
my mom threw a shoe at me and shattered my pinky after i'd come in way late and been drinking( i was only 17 at the time, haha)

28. Yelled random profanities at somebody?
who hasn't

29. Trashed somebody's house?
no, cuz i'd hate it if someone trashed my house so i'd never do it to anybody else

Moral of the story: I can be an amusing drunk but im normally just an average one...
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