
Aug 11, 2004 15:59

I'm hungry.

And also extremely bored.

At lunch, Bean (my sis) and I took a break and went to a store in downtown Stinkerville (Hammyton) to acquire her a mesh shirt with a silver skull and cross bones on it. I find this shirt amusing, because it was the top half of a sheer outfit that included panties (black), even though she only bought the shirt. She was also seriously disturbed by some of the other stuff they had in there, ie: bottomless fishnets.

My sister needs to lighten up just a tad. Seems to think vinal (sp?) is disturbing.

Of course, the main item for sale in that store was - bet you didn't guess this - shoes.

Yup, lots and lots of lovely shoes. And the ones I was drooling over (knee high, stilettoes, lace up, vinal...make me want to say 'meow' and run around in black leather) were only $75. And they had thigh high ones too. >:)

Of course, they had all manner of normal shoes...although, come to think of it, they were almost all dress shoes of some sort, and most of them were platforms. But it was still a shoe store, pretty much, which I think was an attempt to keep from having liscences and shite of that nature...I dunno.

Now, I wouldn't want most of the stuff in there on my feet, but...ah...I just drool over knee high black lace up boots like that. It's a crying shame I don't have the money to buy them.

Damnit, I need a job. This is not news.

Ummm...I'm not leaving for N. Carolina until the 28th...hopefully I'll be able to make it to the Ren. festival. I've never been to one, and it looks like a lot of fun. I've been reading most of the later Heinlein books pretty steadily for the past little while...they have a combined effect of depressing me and making me smug with the knowledge that most of what Heinlein says about humanity is dead on. Even if I'd rather it wasn't. It's why I take Heinlein in doses...humanity depresses me.

Anyway, I'm still having a permanant blonde moment...forgetting details, cloud around the mind, that sort of thing...I'm thinking it's got something to do with hormones. Maybe it's the MBP's...or something. Or maybe I'm still sick. Mum wants me to get blood work done or something; I probably should. Because if I still have that bastard infection, I don't want it to be getting it any worse.

But I am looking forward to N. Carolina. I still dunno what part of it I'm going to, but I do know that the whole family on that side is renting a three story house with enough beds for everyone, and all the girl cousins (me, my two sisters and three more cousins) get the top floor to ourselves. It even has a tv, though I don't expect to be watching much of it. Except for the odd Star Trek epi, perhaps.

The only downside at the moment is that this house is a six hour drive from the ocean. Eeewy...I prefer camping a hundred feet from the ocean and having the waves put me to sleep, like we did in Cape Breton. It's very, very relaxing.

Right...I've got to sign off now...hopefully I'll be back in at the office doing diddly shite again tomorrow, or the day after. And I'll see when I can get back up to Shittysauga...depends on when my mum needs me next.

Tiddly boogles, yo...

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