Jun 05, 2008 09:01
1. Why do you fight?
Mostly because I enjoy the competition and activity. I find something very satisfying and invigorating in competing in direct physical competition with another person. It is a great high and adrenaline rush and the more I do and the better I do, the more I find I enjoy it at its most primal levels
2. What’s the story of you and your son?
A long time ago in a galaxy not so far away...I met this girl named Jennier, we hit it off, even got engaged and had some difficulties where she cheated on me and other things that I wont go into here. During that time John was concieved. I could not trust her so I could not stay with her. That was almost eight years ago now and he is the one of the only thing that keeps me in SW VA.
3. How do you measure your personal success as a fencer?
Honestly, how I hold up against certain fighters and how I handle myself on any given day. Awards are nice but I don't measure my success by those. Last year at Winter Tidings was one of my most successful moments. I want to exceed and surprise fighters and make them gasp for air and thank me for a good fight after we are done, win or lose doesnt matter, its the competition and difficulty i want to give during the fight, if I lose a hard fight but make them work for it. I consider that a success.
4. Do you promise not to cry when I whoop your ass 90 passes in a row?
If you think you can do this, give it your best shot. We will record the 90 passes and see how things turn out.
5. How has your experience as a member of a household been?
Enjoyable, I fit in this household very well, I think we have a good dynamic in the household and I love these people like they were my own family, the more I get to know them the more i enjoy being around them. It gives me a good place to go "home" to at the end of the night at events.