Here's a Suggestion, Zor

Jul 06, 2008 21:08

"After due consideration, no. If your client can't /gag a player, get a better client. Commentary is not policed, period. I do not expect nor require you to understand why, but it will not change, it serves its function. Having a second one with a different name won't make any difference. If you have any more suggestions like that one, please put them on commentary-ooc, not the suggestions mag, the suggestions mag is for serious suggestions on how to improve the game."

And another quote, just from today:

(Recruiting) Guest Zhugnu says, "Aehallh, you here?"
(Recruiting) Hovmempo'wI' says, "I hope not. But he's probably on public."

Here's a serious suggestion, Zor. Get some interpersonal skills. You're going to need them if this MUSH plans to continue to be alive. Until you do, ATS will continue its hemorrhaging playerbase. You can continue to attribute it to MMORPGs; you can continue to believe MUSHes just don't appeal to the younger crowds. But here's a plain simple fact, Zor: you are a discourteous, arrogant know-it-all prick.

Your whole argument about TPs? Want to know what players -really- want from a TP? Take it from someone who is much better as a player than an admin: They want some freedom, with a decently written background to let them draw their own conclusions and take action to that. Take it from someone who has actually done TPs people like. They don't want a Borg Cube coming into their space, manned by a twink you selected "because he'll bring activity". Or TPs that only the "elite" (I use that term loosely, especially since you're involved Zor) or your own sandbox org (the KE, which, under your guidance, seems to always be dying) can enjoy.

But you know, this won't really change anything. Most people will think I'm overreacting, because my suggestion for giving 7 of 11 a WhoGivesaFuck-OOC channel so he can stop spamming Commentary-OOC with Copy and Pastes of articles barely anyone finds interesting was denied, with that mail at the top of this post. No, this is about being tired of Zor treating players like dirt. I asked for help with my router situation two months ago. I couldn't stay connected for more than five minutes without some activity. You know what he said? Buy a new router. Like I'm going to buy a new router because Eleazor said so. I know if I asked Atty he would at least say something more polite, in an effort to at least show that the Wizard staff has some class or even attempt to fix the situation if he wasn't too busy. And I've even asked Kingu awhile back. And you know what he did? He found me firmware. But you, you Zor, just like your response to my suggestion, had to be condescending. I wonder if that's how you really are, or if you're that obsessive of a roleplayer that you act like a condescending jackass because it's what Hov, jubjup, and Eleazor are.

One more thing to end my rant... If as an admin or wizard, you're not having fun doing a good job and engaging the playerbase (POLITELY and RESPECTFULLY - the reason why you're a wizard is because of the players), you really shouldn't be in the job anymore. If you find yourself cutting the fun of the players for your own enjoyment repeatedly, that's a big problem right there. I'm not saying admin and wizards are not to have fun, and nor are they there to constantly provide fun for the players. Like letting a half-assed TP out and decreeing on empire OOC mags what has happened IC. I admit, I wasn't the best admin and I burned out, but at least I don't have people and players who absolutely outright refuse to work with me - oh, besides Zor, who decided to tell me one day as I logged in unhidden "only real admin connect hidden". but, as most everyone who has every dealt with Zor can see, - Zor is too good to work with any of us. Or even play with any of us. Or engage anyone in conversation without having to be right and lording his massive intelligence over everyone else.

If I get sitebanned for my tirade, I'm glad. Twinks who abuse their NPCs and priveleges won't get banned, but someone who wants to speak their mind on someone who is bringing this MUSH down will. I can't remember the count of just how many you drove off this MUSH, Zor, but here's one more.

Oh. I can't let this be all negative. Zor was enthusastic about the Whousnod TP. And, of course, I stole his wrap code. So after nine years, on and off, that's all the good I can say about Zor.

Goodbye (after all my burn outs and returns, this is it!),



that's it. I'm gone from ATS. but you can find me at 9999.
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