Sep 07, 2003 00:01
"I only wanna be with you"... why if i mutter those words to someone they instantly laugh and think i am joking?!! I can be completely faithful and i do actually mean a lot of what i say (sometimes :S)I could totally get with someone and have a family and stuff now and be happy... i hate being in relationships that i know are false or not going to be long term!! I want to meet my future wife and i am going to fucking do it at uni and going to get married and have my perfect 3 kids and my dog called Pepper the Beagle!!!
I think chips, mints and smirnoff ice has gone to my head. Thinking alsorts of crazy shit and i am listening to ABBA... crazy crazy me. Its 2 weeks today until i go bye bye to uni and start out all fresh and sparkling new! bloody hell that is scary.