Aug 08, 2009 23:00
Maybe I should have been a smoker.
Then I could have a reason to sit on my porch and glare and people passing by whilst I took a drag and muttered to myself. Haha.
Or maybe not. Smoking's never really appealed to me. But the motions do if that makes any sense. Perhaps its just something to do with your hands?
So what's new with me? Well
I'm still tripping out on a conversation I had last Thursday with Steve. I kid you not lovelies it was a total trip.
Basically he wanted some action and I told him he wasn't getting any from me unless we're in a serious relationship. Then tells me that he won't consider a serious relationship with me unless I was a different person. A thinner, well dressed person, who likes going to church and would make other guys jealous of him when we went to the bar. Apparently I don't like myself because I don't dress sexy. Yeah.....That's just a summary the real conversation was much more pompous and in general I was far too amused to be outraged. Ah it is a hilarious thing a hilarious and incredibly special thing. :3 All I could really think was "damn well its a good thing we're not in a relationship!"
And never again will be. Lulz way to put the nail in the coffin with your pompous, ridiculous remarks.
Oh oh! I had an obnoxious encounter the other day. You know how sometimes in grocery lines they don't always have the divider bars to place between your items and the next persons. Well I was at wally world the other day, buying pencils and a dog house and i dunno maybe some underwear or something. Anyway I had a very obvious two foot blank space between my stuff and the next person's items. Damn cashier rings up my stuff and just right on rings up the next person and when i stopped her she just looked at me like I was dumb. Agh what the mess woman. It was an obvious separation. Oh well.