f you would like, reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I shall give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ or whatever and explain what they mean to you. Or don't, who am I, your mother?
It's a well known fact that I do in fact love my little ponies. I collect, I customize, I fraternize with pony people on the internet, and I have been known to attend pony conventions. It's a pretty fun hobby kind of nerdy I know, but it keeps me doing arty type things other than drawing. With all my natural skill I think it would be remarkably silly of me to not do anything with them.
If you're feeling curious I have a whole folder of customs I've done.
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v386/elvenwine26/Customs/ Unfortunately most no longer live with me. :)
I don't collect with quite the fervor I used to; at one point I had about 300ish? maybe more. I have severely downsized to under 50 hopefully less than 30 but I haven't counted in a long time so who knows where I"m at right now.
I actually don't paint a lot. But I do have a lot of paint. :D I used to hate painting but I like it pretty good these days. I'd like to think that I"m pretty decent at wielding my brush in the name of art.
I tend to lump thrift stores and flea markets together, both are awesome! I love going because I never know what I'll find in them. And if there's one thing I enjoy doing, its looking at stuff especially stuff I haven't seen before. Visual adventure=exciting!
I'm actually going on a giant flea market run soon with the mother. Should be good times filled with looking at random stuff.
Well I do appreciate a good sparkly. *nod* razzle dazzle me baby. I don't wear sequins but I definitely appreciate how over the top and in your face they can be. So honest and unashamedly show-offish. We're I able to pull of such things I would probalby where sequins on a regular basis. Along with catsuits and and other over-the-top garb.
I'm told I smile or grin a lot. I think I may have my grumpy face on for equal amounts of time, but mostly I smile. Usually I'm thinking of some random amusing thing that happened or making up some ridiculous plan in my head. It's a feel good thing. :D